Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.786
EU - Europa 2.372
AS - Asia 1.187
AF - Africa 30
SA - Sud America 25
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 10.410
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.761
IT - Italia 679
CN - Cina 652
SE - Svezia 476
SG - Singapore 354
UA - Ucraina 295
DE - Germania 258
RU - Federazione Russa 163
FI - Finlandia 156
GB - Regno Unito 108
FR - Francia 92
ID - Indonesia 73
BE - Belgio 35
IN - India 29
VN - Vietnam 27
IE - Irlanda 22
CA - Canada 17
ES - Italia 17
BR - Brasile 15
JO - Giordania 12
NL - Olanda 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
MA - Marocco 10
DZ - Algeria 9
RO - Romania 9
TN - Tunisia 9
AT - Austria 8
IR - Iran 8
PE - Perù 7
LT - Lituania 6
CH - Svizzera 5
EU - Europa 5
PH - Filippine 5
MX - Messico 4
PA - Panama 4
TR - Turchia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
GR - Grecia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
ME - Montenegro 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PT - Portogallo 3
AU - Australia 2
CO - Colombia 2
DK - Danimarca 2
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JP - Giappone 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BT - Bhutan 1
EG - Egitto 1
IL - Israele 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LB - Libano 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PL - Polonia 1
RS - Serbia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 10.410
Città #
Chandler 796
Jacksonville 713
Fairfield 699
Woodbridge 556
Ashburn 428
Nyköping 398
Houston 389
Ann Arbor 330
Seattle 318
Cambridge 301
Singapore 274
Wilmington 261
Bari 201
Lawrence 174
Roxbury 172
Nanjing 145
Des Moines 114
Boardman 100
Beijing 94
New York 85
Princeton 84
Jakarta 70
Inglewood 64
Shenyang 44
Hebei 42
San Diego 42
Brussels 35
Brooklyn 33
Jiaxing 33
Los Angeles 29
Redwood City 29
Dearborn 26
Nanchang 26
Nuremberg 26
Paris 26
Rome 26
Santa Clara 25
Dong Ket 24
Munich 24
Dublin 21
Helsinki 21
Shanghai 21
Tianjin 20
London 19
Pune 19
Taranto 18
Changsha 16
Milan 16
Washington 15
Guangzhou 14
Toronto 13
Amman 12
Wuhan 12
Naples 11
La Spezia 10
Florence 9
Xi'an 9
Brescia 8
Brno 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Chicago 7
Lima 7
San Mateo 7
Cerro Maggiore 6
Grumo Appula 6
Hefei 6
Mumbai 6
Norwalk 6
Padova 6
Pescara 6
San Francisco 6
Wuxi 6
Zhengzhou 6
Amsterdam 5
Auburn Hills 5
Augusta 5
Bologna 5
Hounslow 5
Indiana 5
Jinan 5
Messina 5
Radès 5
Sannicandro di Bari 5
Vic 5
Vienna 5
Bellaria-Igea Marina 4
Caserta 4
Falkenstein 4
Falls Church 4
Guiyang 4
Hangzhou 4
Juazeiro do Norte 4
Ottawa 4
Palermo 4
Rapino 4
Reggio Calabria 4
Acerra 3
Athens 3
Balerna 3
Bella Vista 3
Totale 7.753
Nome #
Bovine and soybean milk bioactive compounds: Effects on inflammatory response of human intestinal Caco-2 cells 156
Industrial ultrasound applications in the extra-virgin olive oil extraction process: History, approaches, and key questions 144
Comparison Between Different Flavored Olive Oil Production Techniques: Healthy Value and Process Efficiency 133
Effects of sweet cherry polyphenols on enhanced osteoclastogenesis associated with childhood obesity 130
Innovation in traditional foods: A laboratory experiment on consumers’ acceptance of extra-virgin olive oil extracted through ultrasounds 127
Engineering design and prototype development of a full scale ultrasound system for virgin olive oil by means of numerical and experimental analysis 125
Antibiotics - Mentha piperita essential oil synergism inhinibts mature bacterial biofilm 124
Effect of the seasonal climatic variations on the composition and quality of “Chemlali” virgin olive oil 114
Are health claims a useful tool to segment the category of extra-virgin olive oil? Threats and opportunities for the Italian olive oil supply chain 113
Consumers' willingness to buy innovative traditional food products: The case of extra-virgin olive oil extracted by ultrasound 110
Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of seven uncommon essential oils 109
Advance technology in virgin olive oil production from traditional and de-stoned pastes: Influence of the introduction of a heat exchanger on oil quality 107
The EFSA health claim on olive oil polyphenols: Acid hydrolysis validation and total hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol determination in Italian virgin olive oils 105
Fitocomplesso polifenolico standardizzato per la prevenzione delle patologie correlate all’esposizione da sostanze reattive dell’ossigeno e relativo metodo di produzione 104
Working towards the development of innovative ultrasound equipment for the extraction of virgin olive oil 103
Research and Innovative Approaches to Obtain Virgin Olive Oils with a Higher Level of Bioactive Constituents 103
Alternate bearing affects nutritional status and net assimilation rate of an irrigated olive grove under arid conditions 102
Emerging technology to develop novel red winemaking practices: An overview 101
Implementation of the sono-heat-exchanger in the extra virgin olive oil extraction process: End-user validation and analytical evaluation 101
Malaxation: Influence on virgin olive oil quality. Past, present and future – An overview 94
null 94
Chemlali olive trees in an irrigated grove: Effects of tree age on virgin olive oil quality and mineral nutrient distribution in roots, leaves and fruits 94
Engineering design and prototype development of a pilot scale pulsed electric field system for wine industry 94
Beyond the traditional virgin olive oil extraction systems: Searching innovative and sustainable plant engineering solutions 93
Calorimetric analysis points out the physical-chemistry of organic olive oils and reveals the geographical origin 93
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of antioxidants from bamboo shoots of Phyllostachys pubescens 91
A tri-generation plant fuelled with olive tree pruning residues in Apulia: An energetic and economic analysis 90
Developments in the design and construction of continuous full-scale ultrasonic devices for the EVOO industry 90
Elucidation of the synergistic action of Mentha Piperita essential oil with common antimicrobials 90
The emerging discipline of precision cooking: a suitable tool for the precision nutrition 90
Determination of Squalene in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOOs) by UPLC/PDA Using a Single-Step SPE Sample Preparation 88
Comprehensive identification and quantification of chlorogenic acids in sweet cherry by tandem mass spectrometry techniques 88
Studying the evolution of anthocyanin-derived pigments in a typical red wine of Southern Italy to assess its resistance to aging 87
Seedless table grape residues as a source of polyphenols: comparison and optimization of non-conventional extraction techniques 86
Performance testing of a full-scale ultrasound equipment for the extravirgin olive oil industrial sector 84
An overview of emerging techniques in virgin olive oil extraction process: Strategies in the development of innovative plants. 82
Mechanical Strategies to Increase Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Virgin Olive Oil by Modulating the Endogenous Enzyme Activities 82
Nutritional hazard analysis and critical control points at work (NACCPW): interdisciplinary assessment of subjective and metabolic work-related risk of the workers and their prevention 82
What’s now, what’s new and what’s next in virgin olive oil elaboration systems? A perspective on current knowledge and future trends 81
null 81
Influence of irrigation with moderate saline water on "chemlali" extra virgin olive oil composition and quality 79
null 78
Chemometric analysis for discrimination of extra virgin olive oils from whole and stoned olive pastes 78
New advances in the development of innovative virgin olive oil extraction plants: Looking back to see the future 77
null 76
Utilizzazione e smaltimento dei sottoprodotti dell'estrazione olearia e relative problematiche di impatto ambientale 76
Innovations in processing extra-virgin olive oil: an analysis of consumers’ acceptance in Italy 76
Analisi teorica e prove sperimentali 75
Anti-biofilm inhibitory synergistic effects of combinations of essential oils and antibiotics 74
Evaluation of the nutritional quality of the lipid fraction of gluten-free biscuits 73
LC with Evaporative Light-Scattering Detection for Quantitative Analysis of Organic Acids in Juices 73
La qualità dell’olio ha origine in campo 73
Ottimizzazione dei nuovi decanter a cono corto e pressione dinamica variabile 72
De-stoning technology for improving olive oil nutritional and sensory features: The right idea at the wrong time 71
Design and testing of a full-scale scraped surface heat-exchanger for the thermal conditioning of olive paste coupled with a passive malaxer 71
Controlled atmosphere storage of 3 italian cultivars of olives for oil production 71
null 70
A monitoring of an automatic control system used in an innovative fermenter during red wine vinification 69
Table Olives as Sources of Bioactive Compounds 69
Analisi teorica e prove sperimentali di estrazione di oli extra vergine di oliva da paste snocciolate 66
Un biennio di prove sperimentali con diversi cantieri di raccolta delle olive: efficienza produttiva e qualità dell’olio 65
Olive oil waste composting simple plants and process parameters control" 62
null 62
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of virgin olive oil to improve the process efficiency 61
The use of an inert gas during the olive oil bottling: shelf life evaluation 60
null 59
Effects of Ultrasound and Green Synthesis ZnO Nanoparticles on Biogas Production from Olive Pomace 59
Novel insights in health-promoting properties of sweet cherries 59
Ottimizzazione dei nuovi decanter a cono corto e pressione dinamica variabile 56
La qualità degli oli vergini in funzione delle macchine utilizzate per la preparazione della pasta di olive 56
null 56
Innovazione tecnologica nell’impiantistica olearia: dai decanter tradizionali alle nuove linee per l’estrazione da paste snocciolate 55
Characterisation of volatile fraction of monovarietal wines: influence of maceration technologies 55
Olive oil new technologies and their influence on extra virgin oil quality 55
Analisi teorica e prove sperimentali di estrazione di oli extra vergine di oliva da paste snocciolate 55
null 55
Frigoconservazione delle olive: influenza sull’olio estratto 54
“Malaxer machine and its evolution of the enhancing olive oil quality” 54
“Effect of different winemaking technologies on tannins, anthocyanins, polyphenols, and resveratrol, in “Negroamaro” red wines” 54
La frazione lipidica di prodotti da forni privi di glutine 54
L'impiego delle più recenti innovazioni impiantistiche per la valorizzazione dell'olio da olivi secolari: un esempio di tutela paesaggistica a salvaguardia di un patrimonio storico e culturale 54
Automated monitoring of the vinification process employing a set of sensors coupled with software in an innovative horizontal fermenter-drainer with submerged cap 54
Effect of different temperatures and storage atmospheres on Coratina olive oil quality 53
NMR-based metabolomic study of Apulian Coratina extra virgin olive oil extracted with a combined ultrasound and thermal conditioning process in an industrial setting 53
Method and apparatus for thermal conditioning of olives and other oleaginous fruits combined with a crushing and kneading system of olives and other oleaginous fruits in controlled or modified atmosphere - Clodoveo, M. L. (2013 a). WIPO Patent No. 2013076592. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization. 52
Polyphenol content and polyphenol oxidase activity in tetraploid wheat: effects on brown index of semolina on brown index of semolina and dough 52
Determination of inorganic anions in commercial seed oils and in virgin olive oils produced from de-stoned olives and traditional extraction methods, using suppressed ion exchange chromatography (IEC) 52
Enzymatic browning in durum wheat flour: comparison between spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods 51
Gestione dei sistemi meccanico-agricoli: macchine agricole certificate, processi e qualità dei prodotti freschi e trasformati 51
null 51
Productivity of picking systems and their influence on extra virgin olive oil quality 50
Effetto della composizione dell’atmosfera dello spazio di testa di una gramola innovativa sul contenuto in sostanze fenoliche e sulla resistenza all’ossidazione di oli vergini di oliva da paste denocciolate 50
Valutazione dell'imbrunimento enzimatico in sfarinati di frumento duro: confronto tra metodi spettrofotometrici e colorimetrici 49
Virgine Olive oil from de-stoned paste: Introduction of a new decanter with short and variable dynamic Pressure cone to increase oil yield 49
Variabilità dell'attività polifenolossidasica e influenza sulle caratteristiche quantitative in frumento. In: Girolamo Russo (ed) 49
Automazione della fase di macerazione delle uve rosse: influenza sulla logistica di processo e sulla qualità del vino 48
Determination of commercial animal and vegetable milks’ lipid profile and its correlation with cell viability and antioxidant activity on human intestinal caco-2 cells 48
Monitoraggio di un sistema di controllo automatico usato in un innovativo vinificatore ad asse orizzontale con cappello sommerso e gabbia rotante 47
Totale 7.713
Categoria #
all - tutte 51.720
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 51.720

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.022 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 142 245 106 226 52
2020/20211.866 190 96 163 126 285 133 153 116 173 228 112 91
2021/20221.155 44 136 14 39 42 81 56 65 71 59 212 336
2022/20232.117 311 218 127 193 249 286 37 236 312 25 80 43
2023/20241.045 58 129 50 84 72 168 72 47 40 76 106 143
2024/20251.227 116 55 299 177 152 317 111 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.019