Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.518
EU - Europa 1.576
AS - Asia 684
SA - Sud America 51
OC - Oceania 42
AF - Africa 25
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 5.900
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.487
IT - Italia 618
SE - Svezia 319
CN - Cina 281
DE - Germania 190
SG - Singapore 189
GB - Regno Unito 126
RU - Federazione Russa 83
FI - Finlandia 58
AU - Australia 37
BR - Brasile 33
IN - India 32
UA - Ucraina 32
CA - Canada 24
BE - Belgio 23
ID - Indonesia 22
VN - Vietnam 22
ES - Italia 21
IE - Irlanda 21
KR - Corea 21
FR - Francia 20
IR - Iran 16
NL - Olanda 15
IL - Israele 14
RO - Romania 13
MY - Malesia 12
PH - Filippine 12
TW - Taiwan 12
EG - Egitto 11
PK - Pakistan 11
TH - Thailandia 8
GR - Grecia 7
JP - Giappone 6
PE - Perù 6
CH - Svizzera 5
HK - Hong Kong 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
AT - Austria 4
CL - Cile 4
EU - Europa 4
LT - Lituania 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
CO - Colombia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
JO - Giordania 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TN - Tunisia 3
TR - Turchia 3
AR - Argentina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CY - Cipro 2
EC - Ecuador 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KE - Kenya 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MX - Messico 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SI - Slovenia 2
UG - Uganda 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GY - Guiana 1
HR - Croazia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
PL - Polonia 1
QA - Qatar 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 5.900
Città #
Fairfield 453
Chandler 394
Woodbridge 356
Ashburn 257
Nyköping 218
Houston 204
Cambridge 203
Seattle 187
Ann Arbor 182
Wilmington 174
Singapore 130
Bari 87
Jacksonville 82
Beijing 71
Lawrence 65
Roxbury 65
Nanjing 50
Rome 50
Des Moines 41
New York 40
Brooklyn 37
Munich 30
Inglewood 23
Brussels 22
Los Angeles 21
San Diego 21
Boardman 20
Dublin 19
Helsinki 19
Bologna 18
Milan 18
Dong Ket 17
Princeton 17
Edinburgh 16
Padova 16
Santa Clara 16
Naples 15
Melbourne 14
Turin 14
Jiaxing 13
Nanchang 13
Falls Church 12
Paris 12
Washington 12
Hebei 11
Sydney 11
Genoa 10
London 10
Florence 9
Medan 9
Pune 9
Redwood City 9
Taranto 9
Dearborn 8
East Haddam 8
Kuala Lumpur 8
Giza 7
Jinan 7
Martina Franca 7
Queens 7
Rawalpindi 7
Roccagloriosa 7
Athens 6
Bangkok 6
Cermenate 6
Changsha 6
Grottaglie 6
Guangzhou 6
Indiana 6
Lima 6
Pescara 6
Shanghai 6
Shenyang 6
Tehran 6
Tel Aviv 6
Toronto 6
Verona 6
Auckland 5
Jeonju 5
Jungnang-gu 5
Las Vegas 5
Royal Oak 5
Santa Maria di Sala 5
Santeramo In Colle 5
Shenzhen 5
São Paulo 5
Tappahannock 5
Yogyakarta 5
Al Ain City 4
Alicante 4
Barletta 4
Belfast 4
Brescia 4
Bristol 4
Buffalo 4
Cairo 4
Cardito 4
Dresden 4
El Campello 4
Gangnam-gu 4
Totale 4.090
Nome #
Italians do it worse. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) optimal cut-off scores for people with probable Alzheimer’s disease and with probable cognitive impairment 345
Enhancing academic performance of three boys with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities through a computer-based program 290
What a difference a workplace makes. A scientometric analysis on the relationship between job crafting and healthy organizations' factors 188
Detecting faking good in military enlistment procedure according to a new index for the MMPI-2 175
A microswitch-based program for promoting initial ambulation responses: An evaluation with two girls with multiple disabilities 148
Assistive technology-based programs to promote communication and leisure activities by three children emerged from a minimal conscious state 144
Spatial reorientation decline in aging: the combination of geometry and landmarks 144
Computer and microswitch-based programs to improve academic activities by six children with cerebral palsy 138
Memory for familiar locations: The impact of age, education and cognitive efficiency on two neuropsychological allocentric tasks 124
Comparing self-monitoring and differential reinforcement of an alternative behavior to promote on-task behavior by three children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study 123
The role of pre-morbid intelligence and cognitive reserve in predicting cognitive efficiency in a sample of Italian elderly 122
null 118
null 114
Supporting locomotion fluency of six children with Cornelia de Lange syndrome: Awareness of microswitch responding and social validation 114
Assistive technology for promoting adaptive skills of children with cerebral palsy: ten cases evaluation 104
The Effect of Aging on Memory for Recent and Remote Egocentric and Allocentric Information 103
Extending microswitch-cluster programs to promote occupation activities and reduce mouthing by six children with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities 101
Cognitive functioning, subjective memory complaints and risky behaviour predict minor home injuries in elderly 96
null 95
Topographical disorientation in aging. Familiarity with the environment does matter 94
null 92
Prosodic convergence in Italian game dialogues 90
Measuring prosodic entrainment in Italian collaborative game-based dialogues 89
null 87
Visuospatial/executive abilities and mood affect the reliability of a subjective memory complaints measure 87
Experimental Examination and Social Validation of a Microswitch Intervention to Improve Choice-Making and Activity Engagement for Six Girls with Rett Syndrome 87
Studying individual differences in spatial cognition through differential item functioning analysis 82
Persons with moderate Alzheimer's disease use simple technology aids to manage daily activities and leisure occupation 82
null 79
Cyberbullying: a new form of bullying or a specific manifestation of violence on web? 78
null 78
null 71
Non-ambulatory People with Intellectual Disabilities Practice Functional Arm, Leg or Head Responses Via a Smartphone-Based Program 71
The differential effect of normal and pathological aging on egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in navigational and reaching space 70
Assistive technology for promoting choice behaviours in three children with cerebral palsy and severe communication impairments 70
Accesso ai corsi di laurea in medicina: messa a punto di un questionario conoscitivo relativo a equilibrio personale e relazionale, attitudini, motivazioni e valori in contesti educativi (EMAV-E) 66
The role of internet and computer communication tools on quality of relationships between preadolescents. A pilot study 65
Age and Sex differences in a virtual version of the reorientation task 64
The Drives for Driving Simulation: A Scientometric Analysis and a Selective Review of Reviews on Simulated Driving Research 61
The impact of two mmpi‐2‐based models of personality in predicting driving behavior. Can demographic variables be disregarded? 61
Social distance during the covid-19 pandemic reflects perceived rather than actual risk 60
null 60
The influence of prominence in the production of plosives in Italian 60
Cognitive efficiency and fitness-to-drive along the lifespan: The mediation effect of visuospatial transformations 60
Minori e giovani adulti assuntori di sostanze stupefacenti e autori di reati: un’indagine in un Ser.T. della regione Puglia 59
null 58
The Four Factors of Mind Wandering Questionnaire: Content, Construct, and Clinical Validity 57
How to separate coordinate and categorical spatial relation components in integrated spatial representations: A new methodology for analysing sketch maps 56
Validating driver behavior and attitude measure for older Italian drivers and investigating their link to rare collision events 54
Assistance in Maintaining a Positive Self-image in People with Dementia 53
The road more travelled: The differential effects of spatial experience in young and elderly participants 50
Spatial Mental Transformation Skills Discriminate Fitness to Drive in Young and Old Adults 48
Strategie di valutazione della memoria spaziale nell’invecchiamento non patologico 46
The impact of age and familiarity with the environment on categorical and coordinate spatial relation representations 45
null 43
L’uso dei test MMPI-2 e Rorschach nell’ambito delle valutazioni forensi e medico legali sugli eventi traumatici in ambito lavorativo: dati preliminari di una ricerca 40
null 38
Reassessing fitness-to-drive in drinker drivers: The role of cognition and personality 37
The tune drives the text - Schwa in consonant-final load words in Italian 34
Variations in mindfulness associated with the COVID-19 outbreak: Differential effects on cognitive failures, intrusive thoughts and rumination 34
Changes in mindfulness during the first lockdown from COVID-­19 31
null 31
Assessing human reorientation ability inside virtual reality environments: the effects of retention interval and lendmark characteristics 31
Space at home and psychological distress during the Covid-19 lockdown in Italy 29
Reorientation deficits are associated with amnestic mild cognitive impairment 28
null 27
null 27
Promoting adaptive behaviors by two girls with Rett syndrome through a microswitch-based program 27
Predittori del Dropout nella Terapia Cognitivo- Comportamentale dei giocatori d’azzardo. Una revisione della letteratura 26
Besides navigation accuracy: Gender differences in strategy selection and level of spatial confidence 26
Suggerimenti impliciti ed espliciti sul layout dell’ambiente facilitano l’integrazione delle informazioni spaziali nei compiti di riorientamento 25
What These Findings Tell Us. Reply to Kelly et al. What Do These Findings Tell Us? Comment on “Tinella et al. Cognitive Efficiency and Fitness-to-Drive along the Lifespan: The Mediation Effect of Visuospatial Transformations. Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 1028” 25
Current debate on human spatial reorientation. How geometric and non-geometric cues interact 23
Comparing two different orientation strategies for promoting indoor traveling in people with alzheimer's disease. 23
Individual differences modulate social distance during COVID-­19 pandemic 21
Long-Term Exposure to Greenspace and Cognitive Function during the Lifespan: A Systematic Review 20
Il "popolo" degli studenti lavoratori 20
Validazione sociale: uno strumento per la verifica dell'efficacia degli interventi psicologici 20
Test sugli epifenomeni della dissociazione (TED) 19
A selective overview of microswitch-based programs for promoting adaptive behaviors of children with developmental disabilities 19
An assistive technology program for enabling five adolescents emerging from a minimally conscious state to engage in communication, occupation, and leisure opportunities 18
Perceived Social Support Mediates the Relationship between Use of Greenspace and Geriatric Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Sample of South-Italian Older Adults 18
Fostering an Age-Friendly Sustainable Transport System: A Psychological Perspective 17
Associations between personality and driving behavior are mediated by mind-wandering tendency: A cross-national comparison of Australian and Italian drivers 17
Face memory and facial expression recognition are both affected by wearing disposable surgical face masks 17
The Prevalence of Amnestic and Non-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Its Association with Different Lifestyle Factors in a South Italian Elderly Population 17
Virtual Reality as a Technological-Aided Solution to Support Communication in Persons With Neurodegenerative Diseases and Acquired Brain Injury During COVID-19 Pandemic 16
null 16
A microswitch-cluster program to enhance object manipulation and to reduce hand mouthing by three boys with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities 16
Normative data of the Italian Famous Face Test 15
Beyond the cut-offs: A Bayesian approach to the use of Montreal Cognitive Assessment as a screening tool for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia 15
The role of personality assessment in forensic driving license renewal procedures. A study supported by the MMPI-2 test 15
Progetto TESEO. Valutazione e prevenzione dei disturbi dell'orientamento spaziale connessi con l'invecchiamento 15
null 14
Intervention strategies for spatial orientation disorders in dementia: A selective review 14
A technology-aided program for helping persons with Alzheimer’s disease perform daily activities 13
Progetto PARIDE. Messa a punto di un intervento finalizzato al contrasto del decadimento cognitivo nella malattia di Parkinson 13
Totale 6.237
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.528
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.528

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020768 0 0 0 0 0 73 93 104 124 171 156 47
2020/2021723 44 56 53 27 57 56 61 66 49 168 49 37
2021/2022698 34 92 46 23 34 92 27 34 42 46 82 146
2022/20231.068 117 140 80 96 86 118 19 128 144 17 59 64
2023/2024873 53 96 55 77 68 144 78 64 55 66 57 60
2024/2025921 99 63 231 140 152 236 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.355