"'Behold in these Coromantees / The fate of an agonized world': Edward Rushton's transnational radicalism"
2017-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"'Connecting across Centuries': Memory, Displacement, and Exile in Caryl Phillips' Stage Plays"
2011-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"'No fear Jack's Obi-Bag': a Cross-Atlantic Hybrid for the British Stage"
2008-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"_Frankenstein_, Language Learning, and the 'Perplexities of the Rights of Man'"
2022-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"_The Loneliness of the Long-distance Runner_. Un'ipotesi di lettura"
1988-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Between Stereotype and Sedition: Romantic-Era Geo-Histories of the Italian South on the London Stage"
2022-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Cockney Imprint: _The Liberal_ and Its Reception, 1822"
2023-01-01 Maria Crisafulli, Lilla; Baiesi, Serena; Farese, Carlotta; Dellarosa, Franca; Webb, Timothy; Angeletti, Gioia; Schoina, Maria; Spandri, Elena; Liberto, Fabio
"Costruire la rivoluzione (del Sud): Toussaint L'Ouverture e l'insurrezione di Haiti nell'età romantica"
2009-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Darkness at 'the Heart of the Solar World': Commodity as Vision and Obeah in Benjamin Moseley's _Treatise on Sugar_ (1799)"
2009-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Edward Rushton: Biographical Sketch" (1814)
2017-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Figure dell’assenza: Comunità e alienazione in Silas Marner"
2018-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"La Questione Romantica" Special Issue: Edward Rushton’s Bicentenary - Cultural History/Legacy
2015-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca; Gregory, Lynall
"Questioning the 'Enterprising Spirit of the People': Abolitionist Poetry in Liverpool, 1784-1788"
2008-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"R. Hughes, Danger [1924] – D. Thomas, Quite Early One Morning [1944] – D. McWhinnie, The Art of Radio [1959]"
1998-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Re-Constructing Toussaint in the Romantic Era: History, Agency, and the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)"
2009-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Soundscapes. Tempo, memoria e performance: il caso Sarah Siddons"
2023-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Una storia di mare: _In Hazard_ di Richard Hughes"
1995-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"Writing the Unspeakable: Labouring-Class Atlantic Crossings"
2023-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
"‘Ever plain is the mantle, the hues ever deep’. Edward Rushton: Poetics and Politics"
2017-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca
'To know the name of things': George Eliot, Recollections of Ilfracombe, 1856
2011-01-01 Dellarosa, Franca