Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.935
EU - Europa 1.737
AS - Asia 742
SA - Sud America 15
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 2
Totale 7.435
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.922
CN - Cina 480
FR - Francia 400
SE - Svezia 333
UA - Ucraina 320
IT - Italia 229
SG - Singapore 213
DE - Germania 205
FI - Finlandia 151
GB - Regno Unito 53
IN - India 35
BE - Belgio 18
BR - Brasile 13
IE - Irlanda 11
CA - Canada 10
IR - Iran 5
CH - Svizzera 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
NL - Olanda 3
VN - Vietnam 3
AU - Australia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
KR - Corea 2
MA - Marocco 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
JO - Giordania 1
JP - Giappone 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 7.435
Città #
Jacksonville 744
Chandler 666
Woodbridge 457
Houston 355
Fairfield 344
Nyköping 264
Ashburn 223
Ann Arbor 215
Wilmington 157
Singapore 153
Roxbury 146
Seattle 142
Lawrence 138
Nanjing 136
Cambridge 123
Boardman 95
Des Moines 92
New York 87
Beijing 54
Shenyang 43
Nanchang 41
Hebei 39
Princeton 39
Pune 31
Los Angeles 28
Inglewood 27
Jiaxing 27
San Diego 27
Santa Clara 21
Changsha 20
Brussels 17
Dearborn 17
San Mateo 17
Tianjin 16
Guangzhou 14
Leawood 14
Auburn Hills 13
Augusta 13
Rome 12
Dublin 11
Washington 11
Jinan 10
London 10
Norwalk 10
Paris 9
Helsinki 8
Monmouth Junction 8
Zhengzhou 8
Bari 7
Bologna 7
Florence 7
Milan 7
Redwood City 6
Toronto 6
Hefei 5
Perugia 5
Ardabil 4
Brooklyn 4
Dallas 4
Ningbo 4
Ottawa 4
Palermo 4
Trieste 4
Barletta 3
Catania 3
Dong Ket 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Kunming 3
Reggio Calabria 3
Shanghai 3
Taizhou 3
Uppsala 3
Agrigento 2
Baotou 2
Brno 2
Cagliari 2
Catanzaro 2
Chicago 2
Edinburgh 2
Fort Worth 2
Frattamaggiore 2
Göttingen 2
Hangzhou 2
Lugano 2
Monza 2
Mozzo 2
Munich 2
Padova 2
Parabiago 2
Prescot 2
Redmond 2
Rende 2
San Giorgio Di Piano 2
Sassari 2
Songpa-gu 2
Springfield 2
Turin 2
Amman 1
Amsterdam 1
Auckland 1
Totale 5.310
Nome #
Un nuovo monitoraggio EEG della funzione neurologica nei pazienti critici: l’entropia spettrale 130
Regional Behavior of Airspaces During Positive Pressure Reduction Assessed by Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography 115
Acoustic effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on normal lung sounds in mechanically ventilated pigs 113
Lung regional stress and strain as a function of posture and ventilatory mode. 111
Le interazioni cardiorespiratorie dalla fisiologia alla clinica: il punto di vista del polmone 110
The Effect of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure on Lung Micromechanics Assessed by Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography in an Animal Model of ARDS 102
Estimating respiratory system compliance during mechanical ventilation using artificial neural networks 102
Computer analysis of acoustic respiratory signals 92
Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the pattern of breathing during neurally adjusted ventilatory assist. A pilot study in a mild ards porcine model 85
Regional distribution of lung compliance by image analysis of computed tomograms 84
Dynamic Mechanical Interactions Between Neighboring Airspaces Determine Cyclic Opening and Closure in Injured Lung 81
Effects of superimposed tissue weight on regional compliance of injured lungs 79
Lung sound analysis correlates to injury and recruitment as identified by computed tomography: an experimental study 78
Analisi computerizzata dei segnali acustici respiratori 76
Postoperative lung complications: have multicentre studies been of any help? 76
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in the assessment of respiratory mechanics 76
Assessment of respiratory system mechanics by artificial neural networks: an exploratory study 76
Iperdistensione alveolare durante ventilazione a flusso costante. Studio su modello 74
Patient-ventilator interaction during acute hypercapnia: pressure-support vs. proportional-assist ventilation 73
Artificial neural networks applications to mechanical ventilation 72
Dolore alla spalla omolaterale dopo toracotomia con analgesia epidurale: valutazione dell’efficacia analgesica e delle ripercussioni respiratorie del blocco interscalenico 71
Acute Renal Failure (ARF) in ICU: is CVVHDF effective? 70
Mechanisms of pulmonary inflation during lung injury assessed by synchrotron radiation computed tomography 70
The Diaphragm Acts as a Brake During Expiration to Prevent Lung Collapse 70
Regional expiratory time constants in experimental lung injury 69
Assessment of respiratory system mechanics using neural networks: a prospective study in a porcine model 67
null 67
Nuove tecnologie per il monitoraggio della ventilazione meccanica 66
Targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest 65
Functional residual capacity and respiratory mechanics as indicators of aeration and collapse in experimental lung injury 65
Detection of physiological singularities in respiratory dynamics analyzed by recurrence quantification analysis of tracheal sounds 65
Breath sound analysis detects injury and recruitment in the lung during mechanical ventilation 64
null 64
null 64
null 64
Assessement of Respiratory Mechanics Using Neural Networks: is the Choice of Training Data Important? 63
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: Old Experiences and New Expectations 62
Ipertensione addominale ed insufficienza d’organo 61
Diagnosis of ventilator associated pneumonia: endotracheal aspirates versus non-bronchoscopic BAL 60
Oleic acid lung injury: a morphometric analysis using computed tomography 60
Alveolar overdistension during constant flow ventilation: study of a model 60
Estimation of total PEEP during ongoing mechanical ventilation by using artificial neural networks 59
Analisi organizzativa in un report di HTA 58
Artificial Ventilation of Healthy and Acutely Injured Lungs: Sequence of Recruitment and Distension of Airspaces Assessed by Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography 58
Evaluation of lung pressures and volumes obtained by CT examination in mechanically ventilated patients 56
Airway closure in funzione della pressione idrostatica: studio tomografico su modello animale 56
Liver disfunction in critically ill septic patients: incidence, predictive factors and outcome 56
Monitoraggio acustico durante ventilazione meccanica 55
Artificial Neural Networks and Mechanical ventilation 55
Strain regionale in funzione di modalità ventilatoria e postura 54
Disfunzione renale da shock: effetto nefroprotettivo del fenoldopam 53
Patient-ventilator interaction during acute CO2 stimulation of the respiratory drive: pressure-support (PSV) vs proportional-assist ventilation (PAV) 52
Calcolo della costante di tempo del sistema respiratorio durante ventilazione meccanica in un modello animale di acute lung injury mediante reti neurali artificiali 52
Omogeneità nella distribuzione spaziale della compliance polmonare mediante tomografia computerizzata su modello animale 52
Response to sudden increase in respiratory impedance during different partial ventilatory support modes 52
Alveolar Recruitment And Distension During Mechanical Ventilation: Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography In An In-Vivo Model of Acute Lung Injury 52
Health Technology Assessment of a Central Venous Access Service (CVAS) – Start Analysis 51
Sedation during cardioverter-defibrillator testing 51
Determinazione della PEEP totale durante ventilazione meccanica mediante reti neurali artificiali 51
Affidabilita’ del monitoraggio della compliance del sistema respiratorio durante ventilazione meccanica in un modello animale di acute lung injury 51
Lung pressure gradients during mechanical ventilation using computer tomography Intensive Care Medicine 2007; 33(Supp.2): p. S-315 50
Respiratory System Mechanics during Acute Lung Injury: Use of Artificial Neural Networks in an Animal Model 49
Determinanti della sovrappressione alveolare durante ventilazione a flusso costante. Studio su modello 49
Distribuzione gravitazionale della elasticità polonare mediante studio tomografico di modello animale 48
Valutazione pressioni-volumi polmonari con TC in pazienti sottoposti a ventilazione meccanica assistita 48
Monitoring respiratory mechanics using artificial neural networks 48
Studio di fattibilità di un modello animale di acidosi metabolica per lo studio in continuo delle variazioni dei parametri respiratori ed emogasanalitici 46
Impairment of the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall in patient with ARDS: role of the abdomen 46
Frequency analysis of normal and pathological respiratory acoustic patterns in two different animal models of lung injury 46
Spectral analysis of lung sounds: a new perspective in non-invasive monitoring of the respiratory system 46
L'informatizzazione dell'attività di ricerca nei servizi di anestesia e rianimazione 45
Spontaneous variations of ventilatory requirements during mechanical ventilation: pressure support (PSV) vs proportional assist ventilation (PAV) 45
Il Servizio di Accessi Venosi tra terapie nosocomiali e cure domiciliari: l’approccio multidisciplinare dell’HTA e la richiesta di “nuove” prestazioni al SSN 45
Training Artificial Neural Networks in Assessing Respiratory System Mechanics: A Prospective Study Using An Animal Model And An Electrical Analogue 44
Monitoring of two pathological respiratory sounds in two models of acute lung injury 44
Evaluation of lung pressures and volumes obtained by CT examination in mechanically ventilated patients 44
Distribution of Vt in lung compartments having different time-constants: study on model 44
ARDS e decubito 43
Detection of increased lung volume during mechanical ventilation by respiratory sounds analysis 42
Child Abuse 42
Extraction of static respiratory system compliance by applying neural networks on dynamic curves 42
Short-Term Recruitment/Derecruitment Demonstrated By Phase-Contrast CT Imaging In Injured Rabbit Lung 41
Low End-Expiratory Pressure Promotes Heterogeneity Of Regional Specific Ventilation And Lung Densities During Mechanical Ventilation 41
Navigazione e Motori di Ricerca 40
Calcolo della compliance del sistema respiratorio mediante reti neurali artificiali: studio prospettico 40
Nuove tecnologie per il monitoraggio della meccanica respiratoria 40
Causes of early renal disfunction (ERD) in criticaly ill patients 40
The use of positive end expiratory pressure in patients affected by COVID-19: Time to reconsider the relation between morphology and physiology 40
Valutazione pressioni-volumi polmonari con TC in pazienti sottoposti a ventilazione meccanica assistita 39
Neural networks extract static respiratory system compliance without needing to stop respiratory flow 39
Nuove prospettive tecnologiche per il weaning 39
Functional residual capacity and radiographic lung volumes in a porcine lung injury model 39
Reabsorption atelectasis in a porcine model of ARDS: regional and temporal effects of airway closure, oxygen, and distending pressure 39
Totale 5.973
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.004
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 33.004

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020870 0 0 0 0 0 164 185 86 171 59 169 36
2020/20211.146 156 70 97 40 126 43 120 55 125 152 111 51
2021/2022751 72 133 6 19 22 32 24 41 39 31 109 223
2022/20231.611 214 121 98 173 210 241 15 166 308 7 29 29
2023/2024508 50 101 24 11 33 158 15 40 4 17 5 50
2024/2025399 22 37 211 62 59 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.506