Assessment of the olive oil extraction plant layout implementing a high-power ultrasound machine
2021-01-01 Tamborrino, A.; Taticchi, A.; Romaniello, R.; Perone, C.; Esposto, S.; Leone, A.; Servili, M.
Biomass Recovery from Olive Oil Extraction Line: Opportunities for Reuse of By-products and Energy Saving
2024-01-01 Romaniello, Roberto; Perone, Claudio; Berardi, Antonio; Leone, Alessandro; Tamborrino, Antonia
Energetic Comparison between Pneumatic and Traditional Disintegration in the Vinification of Negroamaro Grapes
2024-01-01 Giametta, F.; Catalano, F.; Perone, C.; Bianchi, B.
Energy analysis and numerical evaluation of the decanter centrifuge for wastewater management to allow a sustainable energy planning of the process
2024-01-01 Leone, Alessandro; Perone, Claudio; Berardi, Antonio; Tamborrino, Antonia
Experimental Evaluation of Functional and Energy Performance of Pneumatic Oenological Presses for High Quality White Wines
2022-01-01 Perone, Claudio; Bianchi, Biagio; Catalano, Filippo; Orsino, Michela
Experimental Investigation of a New Modular Crusher Machine Developed for Olive Oil Extraction Plants
2022-01-01 Tamborrino, A.; Perone, C.; Veneziani, G.; Berardi, A.; Romaniello, R.; Servili, M.; Leone, A.
Experimental Tests in Production of Ready-to-Drink Primitive Wine with Different Modes of Circulation of the Fermenting Must
2023-01-01 Catalano, F.; Romaniello, R.; Orsino, M.; Perone, C.; Bianchi, B.; Giametta, F.
Investigation of an Energy-saving System to Reduce the Energy Consumption of Decanter Machine
2023-01-01 Perone, Claudio; Berardi, Antonio; Dellisanti, COSIMO DAMIANO; Tamborrino, Antonia; Leone, Alessandro
Microclimatic Monitoring and Analysis in a Hydroponic Greenhouse
2023-01-01 Perone, Claudio; Orsino, Michela; Catalano, Pasquale; Bianchi, Biagio; Giametta, Ferruccio; La Fianza, Giovanna
Modelling the Rheology of Olive Paste for Oil Extraction Plant Automation: Effects of the Crushing Process on the Rheology of Olive Pastes
2023-01-01 Perone, Claudio; Catalano, Filippo; Leone, Alessandro; Berardi, Antonio; Tamborrino, Antonia
Modelling the Rheology of Olive Paste for Oil Extraction Plant Automation: Effects of the Crushing Process on the Rheology of Olive Pastes
2023-01-01 Perone, C.; Catalano, F.; Leone, A.; Berardi, A.; Tamborrino, A.
Optimisation of an Industrial Optical Sorter of Legumes for Gluten-Free Production Using Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques
2024-01-01 Romaniello, Roberto; Eliana Barrasso, Antonietta; Perone, Claudio; Tamborrino, Antonia; Berardi, Antonio; Leone, Alessandro
Optimization of a New Knife Crusher to Increase Olive Oil Quality
2023-01-01 Perone, C.; Tamborrino, A.; Berardi, A.; Romaniello, R.; Leone, A.
Statistical Control of the Quality of Decanters Used for the Continuous Virgin Olive Oil Extraction
2023-01-01 Bianchi, Biagio; Dassisti, Michele; Orsino, Michela; Bianchi, Alessandro; Perone, Claudio
Towards energy efficient scheduling in the olive oil extraction industry: Comparative assessment of energy consumption in two management models
2022-01-01 Perone, C.; Romaniello, R.; Leone, A.; Berardi, A.; Tamborrino, A.