3D velocity structure of the Gargano promontory (Southern Italy) upper crust
2006-01-01 Venisti, N; Calcagnile, Gildo
A critical revision of seismic data for the identification of seismogenic structures in northern Apulia (Adriatic Plate - Southern Italy)
2006-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Frepoli, Alberto; Calcagnile, Gildo; Venisti, Nicola; Cimini, Giovanbattista
A critical revision of the seismicity of Northern Apulia (Adriatic Plate - Southern Italy) and implications for the identification of seismogenic structures
2007-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Frepoli, A; Calcagnile, Gildo; Venisti, N; Cimini, G. B.
Ambient noise and ERT data provide insights into the structure of co-seismic rock avalanche deposits in Sichuan (China)
2021-01-01 Del Gaudio, V.; Wasowski, J.; Hu, W.; Capone, P.; Venisti, N.; Li, Y.
Analisi integrata di dati sismici e gravimetrici nella placca Adriatica
2003-01-01 Venisti, N.; Calcagnile, Gildo; Pierri, Pierpaolo
Application of Refraction Microtremor (ReMi) technique for determination of 1-D shear wave velocity in a landslide area
2010-01-01 Coccia, S; DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Venisti, N; Wasowski, J.
Application of the Refraction Microtremor technique to investigate the characteristics of seismic response of landslide-prone hillslopes
2007-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Venisti, N; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Wasowski, J.
Attività sismica di bassa energia nell'altopiano murgiano
2003-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Calcagnile, Gildo; Venisti, N.
Characteristics of crust-mantle transition heterogeneity in the Adriatic plate inferred from gravity and seismic data
2004-01-01 Venisti, N.; Calcagnile, Gildo; DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo
Characteristics of the low energy seismicity of central Apulia (Southern Italy) and hazard implications
2005-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Calcagnile, Gildo; Venisti, N.
Combined analysis of seismic and gravimetric data in the Adriatic plate
2004-01-01 Venisti, N; Calcagnile, Gildo; DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo
Integration of ambient noise and ERT data to investigate the structure of the Yang Jia Gou rock avalanche deposits (Sichuan - China)
2021-01-01 Capone, Paola; DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Wasowski, Janusz; Hu, Wei; Venisti, Nicola; Li, Yan
Liquefaction damage potential for seismic hazard evaluation in urbanized areas
2011-01-01 Vessia, G.; Venisti, N.
Nuovi dati sulla risposta sismica locale in aree di pendio instabile
2005-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Wasowski, J; Venisti, N; Pierri, Pierpaolo
Polarisation and spectral properties of the seismic site response of landslide-prone hillslopes: a case study from Italy
2006-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Wasowski, J; Venisti, N; Pierri, Pierpaolo
Quaternary International
2014-01-01 Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe Antonio; Calcagnile, L.; Pignatelli, C.; Quarta, G.; Stamatopoulos, L.; Venisti, N.
Realizzazione di una rete sismica nella Puglia centro-meridionale per lo studio dell'attività sismica di bassa energia
2012-01-01 Calcagnile, Gildo; Campanale, F; DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Venisti, N.
Response of landslide-prone hillslopes to seismic shaking: evidence of amplification and spectral polarization from an accelerometric monitoring network at Caramanico Terme (Italy)
2007-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Wasowski, J; Venisti, N; Pierri, Pierpaolo
Revisione della sismicità murgiana
2003-01-01 Pierri, Pierpaolo; DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Calcagnile, Gildo; Venisti, N.
Site classification of Italian accelerometer stations from analysis of residuals of GMPE application to the national seismic database
2018-01-01 DEL GAUDIO, Vincenzo; Pierri, Pierpaolo; Venisti, Nicola