CIAPPETTA, Pasqualino
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.923
EU - Europa 2.818
AS - Asia 919
SA - Sud America 12
OC - Oceania 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
AF - Africa 1
Totale 11.687
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.914
IT - Italia 981
CN - Cina 581
UA - Ucraina 479
SE - Svezia 410
DE - Germania 340
SG - Singapore 279
FI - Finlandia 228
RU - Federazione Russa 174
GB - Regno Unito 62
FR - Francia 59
IE - Irlanda 35
IN - India 27
BE - Belgio 14
KR - Corea 14
AU - Australia 9
CH - Svizzera 8
IR - Iran 8
CO - Colombia 6
ES - Italia 6
CA - Canada 5
EU - Europa 4
MX - Messico 4
NL - Olanda 4
BR - Brasile 3
MY - Malesia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AR - Argentina 2
EE - Estonia 2
LT - Lituania 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TR - Turchia 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JP - Giappone 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 11.687
Città #
Jacksonville 1.124
Woodbridge 998
Chandler 822
Fairfield 704
Houston 558
Ann Arbor 417
Ashburn 345
Nyköping 268
Seattle 267
Wilmington 258
Cambridge 255
Singapore 212
Lawrence 206
Roxbury 206
Nanjing 184
Boardman 123
Des Moines 121
New York 84
Beijing 69
Milan 61
Rome 56
Nanchang 50
Shenyang 46
Jiaxing 44
Hebei 41
Princeton 41
Inglewood 39
Dublin 35
Santa Clara 34
Changsha 32
San Diego 31
Tianjin 28
Paris 25
Helsinki 21
Los Angeles 21
Pune 18
Auburn Hills 17
Bari 17
Norwalk 16
San Mateo 15
Brussels 13
Palermo 13
Dearborn 12
Munich 12
Augusta 11
Florence 9
Guangzhou 9
Napoli 9
Washington 9
Naples 8
Ningbo 8
San Francisco 8
Jinan 7
Pescara 7
Redwood City 7
Taranto 7
Zhengzhou 7
Ancona 6
Brooklyn 6
Falconara Marittima 6
London 6
Monza 6
Ardabil 5
Bologna 5
Leawood 5
Piemonte 5
Arezzo 4
Genova 4
Haikou 4
Jinhua 4
Lucca 4
Prescot 4
Romentino 4
Sassari 4
Shanghai 4
Torino 4
Toronto 4
Verona 4
Acireale 3
Amsterdam 3
Berlin 3
Brescia 3
Brindisi 3
Canberra 3
Casal Velino 3
Caserta 3
Catania 3
Cellino Attanasio 3
Grezzago 3
Hangzhou 3
Hefei 3
Kunming 3
Madrid 3
Marcianise 3
Melbourne 3
Mexico City 3
Misano di Gera d'Adda 3
Mugnano di Napoli 3
Pesaro 3
Reggio Nell'emilia 3
Totale 8.229
Nome #
133) Cisti del cono midollare dell’adulto: cisti ependimale o cisti del quinto ventricolo? Un’entità patologica ancora controversa 696
Approccio subtemporale transpetroso anteriore modificato secondo Sekhar. Anatomia chirurgica, vantaggi e limiti 180
Choice of neurosurgical approach in the treatment of cranial base lesions 175
Approccio suboccipitale far-lateral nel trattamento di un raro caso di aneurisma di P.I.C.A. a sede extra-cranica 145
Central neurocytoma: two case reports and review of the literature 118
pproccio laterale ai neurinomi a clessidra delle prime radici cervicali 110
Il meningioma oncocitico cerebrale: considerazioni cliniche ed istopatologiche su cinque casi operati 110
Neurological deficits secondary to spinal deformities: their treatment and results in 13 patients 97
Approccio subtemporale transpetroso 96
Cervicothoracic postarachnoiditic hydrosyringomyelia secondary to pedicular hook dislocation: case report 96
Approccio interemisferico parieto-occipitale per lesioni del trigono dell’eisfero dominante: risultati chirurgici 91
Meningiomas of the posterior cranial fossa without dural attachment 91
Gas containing otogenic brain abscess 89
Correlative analysis of gene expression profile and prognosis in patients with gliomatosis cerebri 89
Infratemporal fossa surgery for malignant diseases 89
Osteosarcoma of the skull in a child: case report and review of the literature 86
Cysticercosis cerebri. Report on seven cases 86
Spinal meningiomas: prognosis and recovery factors in 22 cases with severe motor deficits 86
Spinous process marking: a reliable method for preoperative surface localization of intradural lesions of the high thoracic spine 85
Giant aneurysm of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery simulating a cerebellopontine angle tumor 84
CT evaluation of epidural scars following multiple operations for lumbar disc arthrosis 83
Subependymoma of the spinal cord. Case report and review of the literature 83
Primary tumors of the cervical spine: surgical experience with 38 cases 82
Intradiploic epidermoid cysts of the skull: report of 10 cases and review of the literature 82
Mucoceles of the paranasal sinuses with intracranial and intraorbital extension 81
Cystic dilation of the ventriculus terminalis in adults 81
Giant cell angiitis of the central nervous system with atypical presentation 80
Antiplatelet Therapy as a Risk Rate Factor in Hemorrhagic Complications of Head Injuries: Preliminary Study 80
Radiation induced osteosarcomas of the skull: report of two cases and review of the literature 79
Spinal glioblastomas: report of seven cases and review of the literature 78
Meningioma of the fourth ventricle. A case report 77
Intraspinous postlaminectomy pseudomeningocele 76
Orbital schwannomas: report of nine cases and review of the literature 76
Intracerebral hematoma and aneurysms 75
Intrathoracic and intraspinal Chondrosarcoma 75
Monoclonal gammopathy as a marker of primary cerebral lymphoma 74
Surgical treatment of petroclival meningiomas: experience with 16 cases 73
The results of the surgical and conservative treatment of non neurologic comminuted thoraco-lumbar fractures 73
Endoscopic treatment of pituitary abscess: two case reports and literature review 72
A carbon fiber reiforced polymer cage for the vertebral body replacement. Technical note 71
Meningiomas of the Meckel's cave 71
Surgical strategies in the treatment of symptomatic osteomas of the orbital walls 71
Osteosarcoma of the skull.Report of a post Paget and post radiation case in an elderly woman 69
Pericranial flap fixation using titanium miniplates and screws 69
Primary intracranial lymphomas 69
A new prehensile suction device 68
Intraspinal Hemangiopericytoma: case report and review of the literature 68
Cranio-facial approaches for tumors involving the anterior half of the skull base 68
Primary chiasmatic lymphoma 66
Approcci transfacciali ai cordomi del clivus 65
Spontaneous cerebellar Hemorrhage: clinical remarks on 51 cases 65
A carbon fiber reinforced polimer cage for vertebral body replacement: technical note 64
Benign osteoblastoma of the sphenoid bone 64
Posterolateral decompression and stabilization of thoracolumbar injuries using diapason instrumentation 64
Cerebral metastases from non oat-cell carcinoma of the lung in the CT era 63
Tentorial Meningiomas 63
Giant craniovertebral junction hemorrhagic schwannoma: case report 63
null 62
Primary intracranial dural B cell small lymphocytic lymphoma 61
Subtemporal Approach 60
Traumi della colonna e proseguimento dell'attività agonistica nell'equitazione 60
A polycystic variant of a primary intracranial leptomeningeal astrocytoma: case report and literature review 60
Extracranial aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Literature review and report of a new case 59
The management of chronic cervical deformity and instability due to spinal injury 59
Digitalized venous angiography in the investigation of the neck vessels 59
Anterolateral approach to benign lesions of the craniospinal junction 58
Prognostic aspects and recovery factors in 23 patients operated on for spinal meningioma with severe motor deficits 58
Considerations on a case of inntranasal cerebral octopi 58
Surgical exposure of lateral orbital lesions using a coronal scalp flap and lateral orbitozygomatic approach: clinical experience 58
Intrasacral Ependymoma. Report of two cases and review of the literature 57
Giant cell reparative granuloma of the skull base mimicking an intracranial tumor. Case report and review of the literature 57
Benign tumors and tumorlike conditions of the spine. Radiological features, treatment and results 57
Combined intra-extracanal approach to lumbosacral disc herniations with bi-radicular involvement. Technical considerations from a surgical series of 15 cases 57
Cervical chordomas: tumor extirpation and restitution of vertebral stability 56
20 years experience in the use of acrylic material for cervical spine fixation 56
Radiation induced schwannomas of the neuraxis. Report of three cases 56
Arachnoid diverticula: a unitary approach to spinal cysts communicating with the subarachnoid space 56
Tentorial meningiomas. Surgical Treatment and results 55
Digital angiography in neurosurgery: indications and limits 55
Aggressione intradurale ai tumori del forame giugulare 55
Intramedullary metastasis of unknown origin: a case report 55
Tentorial meningiomas: surgical experience with 61 cases and long-term results 55
Valore della TC spinale nella diagnosi della siringomielia 54
Intramedullary spinal neurinomas. Report of two cases 54
Jugular tubercle and vertebral artery/posterior inferior cerebellar artery anatomic relationship: a 3-dimensional angiography computed tomography anthropometric study 54
Extracranial aneurysm of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Literature review and report of a new case 54
Three dimensional Computed Tomographic imaging in Diagnosis of Vertebral Column Trauma: experience based on 21 patients and Review of the Literature 54
Functionless non chromaffin retroperitoneal paraganglioma causing cauda equina compression 54
Anatomia Patologica della spondilosi lombare 54
Primary intramedullary primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET)--case report and review of the literature. Eur J Neurol. 2006;13(3):240-3. Review 53
Primari spinal epidural non-Hodkin lymphomas: a clinical study 53
Proceedings of the 31th Annual Meeting of the Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia 53
Lumbosacral lipoma causing tethering of the conus 52
Transcondylar Approach 52
Acute subdural intracranial hematoma after combined spinal-epidural analgesia in labor 51
Intramedullary solitary fibrous tumor of dorsal spinal cord. Histologic and moelcular study of a new case 51
A two step supraorbital Approach to lesions of the orbital apex. Technical note 51
Anatomia chirurgica della giunzione cranio-spinale 50
Odontoid fractures: conservative treatment and halo device in 6 young patients 50
Totale 7.772
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.906
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 42.906

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.091 0 0 0 0 0 0 277 144 301 77 248 44
2020/20211.752 211 67 178 71 212 87 220 60 205 248 119 74
2021/20221.131 42 161 17 72 50 59 23 89 75 58 173 312
2022/20232.088 280 124 117 255 296 307 28 189 394 10 42 46
2023/2024829 71 150 40 137 39 154 20 53 11 22 66 66
2024/2025701 26 53 304 86 39 186 7 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.729