The book explores, from a procedural law point of view, the effects of the transition from public to private law of the organizational activities of public administration. The different threshold of legal relevance of this activity leads to a new definition of its justiciability limits, as well as different approaches and methods of protection. The public law rule, built according to an "ought to be objective" for the administrative action to pursue prominent interests, finds a corresponding structure of the judicial scope, typical of the administrative order, which is essentially about “how” the power was exercised. The private law rule, fashioned as a limit to action and instrumentally a mediation between preordained interests, follows instead a different scope of judgment and is therefore controlled by a different judge. The change of interests and regulatory schemes thus brings radical modifications in terms of justiciability, first of all in the configuration of the workers' positions as individual rights and in the devolution of the court rulings to the jurisdiction of the Civil Courts in their capacity of employment relationships’ Tribunals. The functional relationships between the various elements of the sequences in which different regulatory frameworks have been coded (public interest/action norm/traditional administrative jurisdiction; private interest/relationship rule/new ordinary jurisdiction) have been described in terms of closure and opening of the system; the same categories are in turn developed in the scope of the treatise through the notions of recursion, operational closure, homeostasis.
La monografia approfondisce le ricadute sul piano processuale del passaggio dal diritto pubblico al diritto privato dell’attività organizzativa della pubblica amministrazione. La differente soglia di rilevanza giuridica di questa attività determina una nuova individuazione dei suoi limiti di giustiziabilità, oltre che differenti logiche e modalità di tutela. Alla norma pubblicistica, costruita in funzione di un «dover essere oggettivo» dell’azione amministrativa per il perseguimento di interessi preminenti, corrisponde una strutturazione del sindacato giudiziale, quale quello tipico dell’ordine amministrativo, che ha riguardo essenzialmente al “modo” di esercizio del potere. La norma privatistica, foggiata quale limite all’azione strumentalmente alla mediazione tra interessi pariordinati, predica invece una diversa logica di giudizio e un diverso giudice. La mutazione di interessi e tecniche regolative porta così a radicali cambiamenti sul piano della giustiziabilità, prima fra tutte la configurazione delle posizioni dei lavoratori quali diritti soggettivi e la devoluzione delle controversie in materia alla giurisdizione del giudice ordinario in funzione di giudice del lavoro. Le relazioni funzionali tra i vari elementi delle sequenze nelle quali sono stati codificati i diversi assetti normativi (interesse pubblico / norme di azione / giurisdizione amministrativa per la tradizionale sistemazione della materia; interesse privato / norme di relazione / giurisdizione ordinaria per quella riformata) sono state descritte in termini di chiusura e apertura del sistema, categorie che hanno volta a volta trovato sviluppo nel corso della trattazione attraverso i concetti di ricorsività, chiusura operazionale, omeostasi.
L'organizzazione del lavoro nell'amministrazione pubblica. Interessi, tecniche regolative, tutele. Volume secondo - Profili processuali
The book explores, from a procedural law point of view, the effects of the transition from public to private law of the organizational activities of public administration. The different threshold of legal relevance of this activity leads to a new definition of its justiciability limits, as well as different approaches and methods of protection. The public law rule, built according to an "ought to be objective" for the administrative action to pursue prominent interests, finds a corresponding structure of the judicial scope, typical of the administrative order, which is essentially about “how” the power was exercised. The private law rule, fashioned as a limit to action and instrumentally a mediation between preordained interests, follows instead a different scope of judgment and is therefore controlled by a different judge. The change of interests and regulatory schemes thus brings radical modifications in terms of justiciability, first of all in the configuration of the workers' positions as individual rights and in the devolution of the court rulings to the jurisdiction of the Civil Courts in their capacity of employment relationships’ Tribunals. The functional relationships between the various elements of the sequences in which different regulatory frameworks have been coded (public interest/action norm/traditional administrative jurisdiction; private interest/relationship rule/new ordinary jurisdiction) have been described in terms of closure and opening of the system; the same categories are in turn developed in the scope of the treatise through the notions of recursion, operational closure, homeostasis.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.