Despite the constant dispersion of the red-figure pottery found in Canosa and the irremediable loss of information on the contexts of discovery and associations of materials, the known data still allow us to identify the main directions of the relationships established during the 4th century BC. between the Canosan clientele and those, among the Apulian red-figure pottery workshops born in Taranto, who were able to intercept specific requests and ritual needs. This paper explores, in the first part, the initial dynamics of the progressive distribution and diffusion of these products from Taranto in the Daunian settlement and, in the second part, the times and conditions of the phenomenon of the establishment of some of these workshops on site, together with the technical and formal characteristics of their productions.
Nonostante la costante dispersione della ceramica a figure rosse rinvenuta a Canosa e l’irrimediabile perdita di informazioni su contesti di ritrovamento e associazioni di materiali, i dati noti permettono comunque di individuare le direttrici principali dei rapporti stabilitisi nel corso del IV secolo a.C. tra la clientela canosina e quelle, tra le officine di ceramica apula a figure rosse nate a Taranto, che riuscirono ad intercettarne specifiche richieste ed esigenze rituali. Questo contributo esplora, nella prima parte, le dinamiche iniziali della progressiva distribuzione e diffusione di tali prodotti da Taranto nel centro daunio e, nella seconda parte, tempi e condizioni del fenomeno dell’impianto in loco di alcune di queste officine, insieme ai caratteri tecnici e formali delle loro produzioni.
Le officine della ceramica apula a figure rosse a Canosa: da Taranto alle produzioni locali
Gadaleta, Giuseppina
;Roscino, Carmela
In corso di stampa
Despite the constant dispersion of the red-figure pottery found in Canosa and the irremediable loss of information on the contexts of discovery and associations of materials, the known data still allow us to identify the main directions of the relationships established during the 4th century BC. between the Canosan clientele and those, among the Apulian red-figure pottery workshops born in Taranto, who were able to intercept specific requests and ritual needs. This paper explores, in the first part, the initial dynamics of the progressive distribution and diffusion of these products from Taranto in the Daunian settlement and, in the second part, the times and conditions of the phenomenon of the establishment of some of these workshops on site, together with the technical and formal characteristics of their productions.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.