The principle of the burden of proof, typical of procedural systems, presents profiles of undoubted interest also in tax cadastral matters, both in the procedural and in litigation phases. It is a logical-argumentative canon that rises to the rule of judgment and responds to concrete needs of justice, procedural economy and therefore of opportunity and rationality, since whoever alleges a favorable fact must provide the proofs that prove its existence. In the cadastral tax matter, it assumes importance in the phase of drafting the motivation of the deed both if attributing and modifying the cadastral income by the cadastral administration, as well as in litigation in the case of contesting the deed of attribution of the income, being burden of the cadastral administration to prove the correct application of the elements disputed by the appellant, i.e. those on which the land registry is based, demonstrating their legitimacy. In the absence of such proof, the appeal must be considered founded and the annuity, qualification or classification must be annulled with restoration of the previous situation or attribution of the data indicated by the appellant. This principle, which can be deduced from the application of article 2697 of the Italian Civil Code, was confirmed in the reform of the tax content by the Law 31 August 2022, n. 130, which introduced the paragraph 5 bis within the article 7, Legislative Decree 31 December 1992, n. 546, expressing a rule applicable before the new courts of tax justice.
Il principio dell’onere della prova, tipico dei sistemi processuali, presenta profili di indubbio interesse anche nella materia catastale tributaria, tanto nella fase procedimentale quanto in sede contenziosa. Si tratta di un canone logico-argomentativo che assurge a regola di giudizio e risponde a concrete esigenze di giustizia, di economia processuale e quindi di opportunità e razionalità dovendo chi allega un fatto a sé favorevole fornirne le prove che ne comprovano l’esistenza. Nella materia catastale tributaria, esso assume rilevanza nella fase di redazione della motivazione dell’atto sia se attributivo che modificativo della rendita catastale da parte dell’amministrazione catastale, come anche in sede contenziosa nel caso di impugnazione dell’atto di attribuzione della rendita, essendo onere dell’amministrazione catastale provare la corretta applicazione degli elementi contestati dal ricorrente, vale a dire di quelli su cui si fonda l’accatastamento, dimostrandone la legittimità. In mancanza di tale prova, l’impugnazione deve reputarsi fondata e la rendita, la qualificazione o il classamento devono essere annullati con ripristino della situazione pregressa o attribuzione dei dati indicati dal ricorrente. Tale principio, desumibile dall’applicazione dell’art. 2697 cod. civ., è stato confermato in sede di riforma del contenzioso tributario dalla L. 31 agosto 2022, n. 130, che ha introdotto il comma 5bis all’interno dell’art. 7, D.Lgs. 31 dicembre 1992, n. 546, esprimendo una regola applicabile dinanzi alle nuove Corti di giustizia tributaria.
Riforma del processo tributario e onere della prova in materia catastale
Antonio Felice Uricchio
;Salvatore Antonello Parente
The principle of the burden of proof, typical of procedural systems, presents profiles of undoubted interest also in tax cadastral matters, both in the procedural and in litigation phases. It is a logical-argumentative canon that rises to the rule of judgment and responds to concrete needs of justice, procedural economy and therefore of opportunity and rationality, since whoever alleges a favorable fact must provide the proofs that prove its existence. In the cadastral tax matter, it assumes importance in the phase of drafting the motivation of the deed both if attributing and modifying the cadastral income by the cadastral administration, as well as in litigation in the case of contesting the deed of attribution of the income, being burden of the cadastral administration to prove the correct application of the elements disputed by the appellant, i.e. those on which the land registry is based, demonstrating their legitimacy. In the absence of such proof, the appeal must be considered founded and the annuity, qualification or classification must be annulled with restoration of the previous situation or attribution of the data indicated by the appellant. This principle, which can be deduced from the application of article 2697 of the Italian Civil Code, was confirmed in the reform of the tax content by the Law 31 August 2022, n. 130, which introduced the paragraph 5 bis within the article 7, Legislative Decree 31 December 1992, n. 546, expressing a rule applicable before the new courts of tax justice.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.