This anthropological-educational contribution investigates the physiognomy of the Mediterranean τύπος referring to the spiritual characterization of the protagonists of Sophocles’ Antigone (5th century BC). The tragedy, as is well known, thematizes the ethical-political conflict between γένος (the natural law, immediately perceived and respected by the subject) and νόμος (the positive and imperative law of the community), or even between the will of the individual and that of the State: an antinomic conflict, unsolved and potentially unsolvable, but which still imposes itself today for pedagogical reflection. On this basis, our work, starting from the consideration of the liminal dimension of the existence as the ontological and moral foundation of the human, thematizes the Sophocles dilemma in the perspective of a new παιδεία of hermeneutic orientation, in order to rethink man’s educational responsibilities in the light of a new way of understanding the antinomy between ethics and politics.
Il contributo, di taglio antropologico-educativo, indaga la fisionomia del τύπος mediterraneo riferendosi alla caratterizzazione spirituale dei protagonisti dell’Antigone di Sofocle (V sec. a. C.). La tragedia, com’è noto, tematizza il dissidio etico-politico tra γένος (la legge naturale, immediatamente avvertita e rispettata dal soggetto) e νόμος (la legge positiva, e impositiva, della comunità), o anche tra l’arbitrio dell’individuo e quello dello Stato: un conflitto antinomico, irrisolto e potenzialmente irrisolvibile, ma che si impone ancora oggi per la riflessione pedagogica. Su questa base, il lavoro, partendo dalla considerazione della dimensione liminale dell’"ek-sistere" quale fondamento ontologico e morale dell’umano, tematizza il dilemma sofocleo nella prospettiva di una nuova παιδεία di orientamento ermeneutico capace di ripensare le responsabilità educative dell’uomo alla luce di un nuovo modo d’intendere l’antinomia tra etica e politica.
Il conflitto tra individuo e Stato nell’“Antigone” di Sofocle. Riflessioni antropologico-educative per una pedagogia mediterranea
Pierluca Turnone
This anthropological-educational contribution investigates the physiognomy of the Mediterranean τύπος referring to the spiritual characterization of the protagonists of Sophocles’ Antigone (5th century BC). The tragedy, as is well known, thematizes the ethical-political conflict between γένος (the natural law, immediately perceived and respected by the subject) and νόμος (the positive and imperative law of the community), or even between the will of the individual and that of the State: an antinomic conflict, unsolved and potentially unsolvable, but which still imposes itself today for pedagogical reflection. On this basis, our work, starting from the consideration of the liminal dimension of the existence as the ontological and moral foundation of the human, thematizes the Sophocles dilemma in the perspective of a new παιδεία of hermeneutic orientation, in order to rethink man’s educational responsibilities in the light of a new way of understanding the antinomy between ethics and politics.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.