Eugen Fink, with a strong pedagogical intent and purpose, metaphysically assumes the man as “re-lationship”, basing on this premise, his philosophical anthropology as well as a systematic pedago-gy. The relationship that man has with others and the world is shown in the co-existential pheno-mena from which descend the “coexistential practices” that are placed “in a relationship located in the worldly and social dimension”; following Lyotard, we must consider the role of education as absolutely fundamental, bringing at the center of the interest of the whole community the “ideal of the social” and the “original collective sentiment”. Educational actions can, therefore, act as a “tension” towards the construction of those ideals and purposes that can bring out the intimate “so-cial” nature of men. On this basis we can build a peaceful coexistence: an education about politics can be a response to the loss of the “original collective sentiment” we all witness today, inaugura-ting and strengthening the relationship between pedagogy and politics as a construction of the ideal of peaceful coexistence.
Eugen Fink, con un “forte” intento e fine pedagogico assume metafisicamente l’uomo come “rela-zione” fondando, su tale presupposto, un’antropologia filosofica e una pedagogia sistematica. La relazione che l’uomo intrattiene con gli altri e il mondo si mostra nei fenomeni co-esistenziali da cui discendono le “prassi coesistenziali” poste “in un rapporto situato nella dimensione mondana e sociale”; seguendo Lyotard, è urgente considerare il ruolo dell’educazione come assolutamente fondamentale riportando e rimettendo l’Ideale del Sociale e del “sentimento collettivo originario” al centro dell’interesse dell’intera collettività. L’agire educativo, può, dunque, porsi come “tensio-ne” alla costruzione di quegli ideali e scopi che possano far riemergere l’intima natura “sociale” degli uomini sulla cui base costruire una convivenza pacifica: un’educazione alla politica può es-sere una risposta alla perdita del “sentimento collettivo originario” di cui oggi siamo tutti testimo-ni, inaugurando e rafforzando il rapporto tra pedagogia e politica come costruzione dell’ideale del-la convivenza pacifica.
La fenomenologia di Fink come risposta al neoliberismo: ‘il ritorno alla persona’ nell’educazione alla politica come prassi d’esistenza coesistenziale
Rubini Antonia;
Eugen Fink, with a strong pedagogical intent and purpose, metaphysically assumes the man as “re-lationship”, basing on this premise, his philosophical anthropology as well as a systematic pedago-gy. The relationship that man has with others and the world is shown in the co-existential pheno-mena from which descend the “coexistential practices” that are placed “in a relationship located in the worldly and social dimension”; following Lyotard, we must consider the role of education as absolutely fundamental, bringing at the center of the interest of the whole community the “ideal of the social” and the “original collective sentiment”. Educational actions can, therefore, act as a “tension” towards the construction of those ideals and purposes that can bring out the intimate “so-cial” nature of men. On this basis we can build a peaceful coexistence: an education about politics can be a response to the loss of the “original collective sentiment” we all witness today, inaugura-ting and strengthening the relationship between pedagogy and politics as a construction of the ideal of peaceful coexistence.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.