Le recenti modifiche alle norme integrative, adottate dalla Corte costituzionale con la deliberazione dell’8 gennaio 2020, hanno rinnovato l’interesse per il principio del contraddittorio con particolare riguardo al processo costituzionale e alla individuazione delle parti processuali che possono partecipare al giudizio dinanzi alla Corte Costituzionale. Sul punto, le più significative novità apportate al giudizio di legittimità costituzionale in via incidentale, hanno riguardato gli “interventi dei terzi” e l’ingresso dei cosiddetti “amici curiae”; si tratta di modifiche antitetiche rispetto ad un orientamento consolidato contrassegnato dal principio di corrispondenza formale fra le parti del processo a quo e parti del processo costituzionale e dalla rigorosa e restrittiva applicazione delle indicazioni normative risalente alle leggi degli anni ’50. L’inversione di tendenza può ricondursi all’inserimento nella Carta costituzionale del principio del contraddittorio nel quadro della riforma dell’art. 111 Cost. sul “giusto processo”.
The recent amendments to the supplementary rules, according to the resolution of 8th Janary 2020 adopted by the Constitutional Court, have renewed interest to the principle of the adversarial procedure with particular regard to the constitutiona lprocess and the identification of the procedural parties who can participate in the judgment before the Constitutional Court. The most significant changes made to the judgment of constitutional legitimacy concerned the "interventions of third parties" and the entry of the so-called "amici curiae";these are antithetical changes with respect to a consolidated orientation of the Constitutional Court marked by the principleof formal correspondence between the parties to the main judgment and those of the constitutional process, in accordance with the rigorous and restrictive application of the regulatory indications dating back to the laws of the 50s. The reversal of the trend can be traced back to the inclusion in the Constitutional Charter of the adversarial principle in the framework of the reform of art. 111 Cost. on "due process”.
The recent amendments to the supplementary rules, according to the resolution of 8th Janary 2020 adopted by the Constitutional Court, have renewed interest to the principle of the adversarial procedure with particular regard to the constitutiona lprocess and the identification of the procedural parties who can participate in the judgment before the Constitutional Court. The most significant changes made to the judgment of constitutional legitimacy concerned the "interventions of third parties" and the entry of the so-called "amici curiae";these are antithetical changes with respect to a consolidated orientation of the Constitutional Court marked by the principleof formal correspondence between the parties to the main judgment and those of the constitutional process, in accordance with the rigorous and restrictive application of the regulatory indications dating back to the laws of the 50s. The reversal of the trend can be traced back to the inclusion in the Constitutional Charter of the adversarial principle in the framework of the reform of art. 111 Cost. on "due process”.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.