La decretazione d’urgenza emanata a partire dal mese di febbraio 2020 per far fronte all’emergenza sanitaria indotta dalla pandemia di Covid-19, ha inciso in modo rilevante sulla garanzia della giustizia nelle diverse branche del diritto. Anche il processo amministrativo è stato interessato dall’intervento emergenziale con norme, talvolta a breve scadenza, talaltra più a lungo termine, talaltra ancora destinate ad incidere in modo definitivo su di esso. Partendo dal giudizio cautelare approdando all’effettività della tutela giurisdizionale, l’analisi segue il filo conduttore delle garanzie The emergency decree issued starting from February 2020 to deal with the health emergency induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, has had a significant impact on the guarantee of justice in the various branches of law. The administrative process was also affected by the emergency intervention with rules, sometimes short-term, sometimes more long-term, sometimes still destined to have a definitive impact on it. Starting from the precautionary judgment and arriving at the effectiveness of judicial protection, the analysis follows the common thread of the guarantees granted or subtracted from the parties to the judgment.accordate o sottratte alle parti del giudizio.
The emergency decree issued starting from February 2020 to deal with the health emergency induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, has had a significant impact on the guarantee of justice in the various branches of law. The administrative process was also affected by the emergency intervention with rules, sometimes short-term, sometimes more long-term, sometimes still destined to have a definitive impact on it. Starting from the precautionary judgment and arriving at the effectiveness of judicial protection, the analysis follows the common thread of the guarantees granted or subtracted from the parties to the judgment.
Emergenza epidemiologica e processo amministrativo.
Maria teresa Caputi Jambrenghi
La decretazione d’urgenza emanata a partire dal mese di febbraio 2020 per far fronte all’emergenza sanitaria indotta dalla pandemia di Covid-19, ha inciso in modo rilevante sulla garanzia della giustizia nelle diverse branche del diritto. Anche il processo amministrativo è stato interessato dall’intervento emergenziale con norme, talvolta a breve scadenza, talaltra più a lungo termine, talaltra ancora destinate ad incidere in modo definitivo su di esso. Partendo dal giudizio cautelare approdando all’effettività della tutela giurisdizionale, l’analisi segue il filo conduttore delle garanzie The emergency decree issued starting from February 2020 to deal with the health emergency induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, has had a significant impact on the guarantee of justice in the various branches of law. The administrative process was also affected by the emergency intervention with rules, sometimes short-term, sometimes more long-term, sometimes still destined to have a definitive impact on it. Starting from the precautionary judgment and arriving at the effectiveness of judicial protection, the analysis follows the common thread of the guarantees granted or subtracted from the parties to the judgment.accordate o sottratte alle parti del giudizio.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.