Background. Clinical learning environments are defined as an interactive network of forces within the clinical context that influence students' learning outcomes. Nursing students' satisfaction could be strictly related to their learning outcomes. Aim. To analyze the first year nursing students' clinical learning experience and to identify the main determinants of students' satisfaction. Methods. The observational study was carried out in five Italian nursing degree courses. 420 students filled out the validated Italian version of the "Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision plus Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) scale" after the conclusion of their first clinical placement. Results. The mean values of the main sub-dimensions of CLES+T varied from 4.02 (pedagogical atmosphere) to 3.30 (supervisory relationship). Students were mainly satisfied with their clinical placement, however the findings showed statistical significantly differences among the five nursing courses. Discussion. The main determinants of the overall students' satisfaction are the nurse manager's leadership style and the integration between theoretical knowledge and everyday practice of nursing through the relationship among students, clinical tutors and nurse teacher. Conclusion. Our results may contribute to better understand nursing students' perception of their first clinical placement. However, further research are needed to evaluate which organizational factors and clinical training models may enhance the clinical learning experience.
Background. Gli ambienti di apprendimento clinico sono definiti come una rete di fattori interagenti nel contesto, in grado di influenzare gli esiti dell’apprendimento degli studenti. La soddisfazione degli studenti è considerata un indicatore del raggiungimento degli esiti dell’apprendimento ed è determinante a partire dalla prima esperienza di tirocinio. Scopo. Analizzare l’esperienza di apprendimento clinico degli studenti infermieri del primo anno di corso dopo il primo tirocinio clinico ed identificare i principali determinanti della soddisfazione degli studenti. Metodo. Lo studio osservazionale è stato realizzato in cinque sedi universitarie italiane del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica. 420 studenti hanno compilato la versione italiana della “Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and plus Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) scale” al termine del primo tirocinio clinico. Risultati. I punteggi medi assegnati alle dimensioni della scala variano da 4.02 (clima di apprendimento) a 3.30 (relazione di tutorato). La maggior parte degli studenti è soddisfatto della propria esperienza di tirocinio (75.6%), ma sono emerse differenze in relazione alle diverse sedi di tirocinio clinico. Discussione. I principali determinanti della soddisfazione sono lo stile di leadership del coordinatore infermieristico e l’integrazione teoria-pratica nella relazione fra tutor clinico, universitario e studente. Conclusioni. I risultati dello studio contribuiscono alla comprensione della prima esperienza di tirocinio degli studenti. Tuttavia, sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche per determinare le variabili organizzative specifiche e i modelli tutoriali in grado di aumentare la soddisfazione degli studenti, per sviluppare strategie formative basate sull’integrazione tra tutor universitari e guide di tirocinio.
Nursing students' satisfaction and perception of their first clinical placement: observational study
Cicolini G
Background. Clinical learning environments are defined as an interactive network of forces within the clinical context that influence students' learning outcomes. Nursing students' satisfaction could be strictly related to their learning outcomes. Aim. To analyze the first year nursing students' clinical learning experience and to identify the main determinants of students' satisfaction. Methods. The observational study was carried out in five Italian nursing degree courses. 420 students filled out the validated Italian version of the "Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision plus Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) scale" after the conclusion of their first clinical placement. Results. The mean values of the main sub-dimensions of CLES+T varied from 4.02 (pedagogical atmosphere) to 3.30 (supervisory relationship). Students were mainly satisfied with their clinical placement, however the findings showed statistical significantly differences among the five nursing courses. Discussion. The main determinants of the overall students' satisfaction are the nurse manager's leadership style and the integration between theoretical knowledge and everyday practice of nursing through the relationship among students, clinical tutors and nurse teacher. Conclusion. Our results may contribute to better understand nursing students' perception of their first clinical placement. However, further research are needed to evaluate which organizational factors and clinical training models may enhance the clinical learning experience.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.