In the last years, many Italian Universities have planned to introduce higher level museum organizations in their Statutes, such as Museum Poles or Museum Systems. These organizations have the possibility of enhancing the coordination of conservation activities, study and enhancement of the great historical and cultural heritage possessed. The greater awareness of the importance of historical-scientific and naturalistic goods, the Italian law n. 137/2002 and the Code of cultural heritage and landscape, some decisive interventions by CRUI and MiBAC (today MiBACT) and finally the inclusion of the activities of University Museums among the evaluation criteria of the Universities for the Third Mission have favored this process. Also the University of Bari has included in its Statute the institution of a specific Museum System (SiMA) to coordinate “the activities of museums, collections, botanical gardens and aquariums that make up their heritage”, among the Structures supporting the organization of research and teaching. Particularly, the SiMA has been entrusted with the task of strengthening contacts with the territory and the creation of networks with other institutions, primarily schools, to promote the management and planning of interventions aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage. In this regard, among the initiatives were promoted: attendance at the initiative of the MiBACT #domenicalmuseo, paths of “alternanza scuola-lavoro”, the reception (visits to museums) of families during the admission tests to the closed-number study courses, the Week of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Negli ultimi anni, molte università italiane hanno provveduto a introdurre nei propri Statuti organizzazioni museali di livello superiore, quali i poli museali o i sistemi museali. Tali strutture hanno in comune la possibilità di potenziare il coordinamento delle attività di conservazione, studio e valorizzazione dell’ingente patrimonio storico-culturale posseduto, ma differiscono in generale per l’organizzazione e gestione del patrimonio. La maggior coscienza dell’importanza del bene storico-scientifico e naturalistico, la Legge n. 137/2002 e il Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, alcuni decisivi interventi della CRUI e del MiBAC (oggi MiBACT) e infine l’inserimento delle attività dei musei universitari fra i criteri di valutazione degli atenei per la Terza Missione hanno favorito questo processo. L’Università di Bari ha anch’essa previsto nel suo Statuto l’istituzione di uno specifico Sistema Museale di Ateneo (SiMA) per coordinare “le attività dei musei, delle collezioni, degli orti botanici e degli acquari che costituiscono il proprio patrimonio”. In particolare, al SiMA è stato affidato il compito di rafforzare i contatti con il territorio e la realizzazione di reti di collegamento con altre istituzioni, tra cui le scuole, per promuovere la gestione e la pianificazione di interventi finalizzati alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. A tal proposito fra le iniziative sono state promosse: l’adesione all’iniziativa del MiBACT #domenicalmuseo, percorsi di alternanza scuola-lavoro, l’accoglienza (visite ai musei) delle famiglie durante i test di ammissione ai corsi di studio a numero chiuso, la Settimana dei diritti delle persone con disabilità.
Reti per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale: il modello del Sistema Museale dell'Ateneo barese
FRANCESCANGELI, RUGGERO;Augusto Garuccio;Vincenza Montenegro
In the last years, many Italian Universities have planned to introduce higher level museum organizations in their Statutes, such as Museum Poles or Museum Systems. These organizations have the possibility of enhancing the coordination of conservation activities, study and enhancement of the great historical and cultural heritage possessed. The greater awareness of the importance of historical-scientific and naturalistic goods, the Italian law n. 137/2002 and the Code of cultural heritage and landscape, some decisive interventions by CRUI and MiBAC (today MiBACT) and finally the inclusion of the activities of University Museums among the evaluation criteria of the Universities for the Third Mission have favored this process. Also the University of Bari has included in its Statute the institution of a specific Museum System (SiMA) to coordinate “the activities of museums, collections, botanical gardens and aquariums that make up their heritage”, among the Structures supporting the organization of research and teaching. Particularly, the SiMA has been entrusted with the task of strengthening contacts with the territory and the creation of networks with other institutions, primarily schools, to promote the management and planning of interventions aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage. In this regard, among the initiatives were promoted: attendance at the initiative of the MiBACT #domenicalmuseo, paths of “alternanza scuola-lavoro”, the reception (visits to museums) of families during the admission tests to the closed-number study courses, the Week of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.