Attenzione: i dati modificati non sono ancora stati salvati. Per confermare inserimenti o cancellazioni di voci è necessario confermare con il tasto SALVA/INSERISCI in fondo alla pagina
Body-mass index (BMI) has increased steadily in most countries in parallel with a rise in the proportion of the population who live in cities(.)(1,2) This has led to a widely reported view that urbanization is one of the most important drivers of the global rise in obesity(3-6). Here we use 2,009 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight in more than 112 million adults, to report national, regional and global trends in mean BMI segregated by place of residence (a rural or urban area) from 1985 to 2017. We show that, contrary to the dominant paradigm, more than 55% of the global rise in mean BMI from 1985 to 2017-and more than 80% in some low- and middle-income regions-was due to increases in BMI in rural areas. This large contribution stems from the fact that, with the exception of women in sub-Saharan Africa, BMI is increasing at the same rate or faster in rural areas than in cities in low- and middle-income regions. These trends have in turn resulted in a closing-and in some countries reversal-of the gap in BMI between urban and rural areas in low- and middle-income countries, especially for women. In high-income and industrialized countries, we noted a persistently higher rural BMI, especially for women. There is an urgent need for an integrated approach to rural nutrition that enhances financial and physical access to healthy foods, to avoid replacing the rural undernutrition disadvantage in poor countries with a more general malnutrition disadvantage that entails excessive consumption of low-quality calories.
Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults
Bixby H. a;Bentham J. b;Zhou B. a;Di Cesare;M. c Paciorek;C. J. d Bennett;J. E. a Taddei;C. a Stevens;G. A. e Rodriguez-Martinez;A. a Carrillo-Larco;R. M. a Khang;Y. -H. f;Sorić M. g;Gregg E. W. h;Miranda J. J. i;Bhutta Z. A. j;k Savin;S. e Sophiea;M. K. a Iurilli;M. L. C. a Solomon;B. D. a Cowan;M. J. e Riley;L. M. e Danaei;G. l Bovet;P. m n;Chirita-Emandi A. o;Hambleton I. R. p;Hayes A. J. q;Ikeda N. r;Kengne A. P. s;Laxmaiah A. t;Li Y. l;McGarvey S. T. u;Mostafa A. v;Neovius M. w;Starc G. x;Zainuddin A. A. y;Abarca-Gómez L. z;Abdeen;Z. A. aa;Abdrakhmanova;S. ab;Abdul Ghaffar;S. y;Abdul Hamid;Z. ac;Abubakar Garba;J. ad;Abu-Rmeileh;N. M. ae;Acosta-Cazares;B. af;Adams;R. J. ag;Aekplakorn;W. ah;Afsana;K. ai;Agdeppa;I. A. aj;Aguilar-Salinas;C. A. ak;Agyemang;C. al;Ahmad M. H. y;Ahmad N. A. y;Ahmadi;N. am;Ahmadvand;A. an;Ahrens;W. ao;Ajlouni;K. ap;AlBuhairan;F. aq;AlDhukair;S. ar;Al-Hazzaa;H. M. as;Ali M. M. e;Ali;O. at;Alkerwi;A. au;Al-Othman;A. R. av;Al-Raddadi;R. aw;Alvarez-Pedrerol;M. ax;Aly;E. ay;Amarapurkar;D. N. az;Amouyel;P. ba;bb Amuzu;A. bc;Andersen;L. B. bd;Anderssen;S. A. be;Ängquist;L. H. bf;Anjana;R. M. bg;Ansari-Moghaddam;A. bh;Aounallah-Skhiri;H. bi;Araújo;J. bj;Ariansen;I. bk;Aris T. y;Arku;R. E. bl;Arlappa N.;Aryal;K. K. bm;Aspelund;T. bn;Assah;F. K. bo;Assunção;M. C. F. bp;Aung;M. S. bq;Auvinen;J. br;Avdicová;M. bs;Azevedo;A. bt;Azizi;F. bu;Azmin;M. an;Babu;B. V. bv;Baharudin A. y;Bahijri;S. aw;Baker;J. L. bw;Balakrishna N.;Bamoshmoosh;M. bx;Banach;M. by;Bandosz;P. bz;Banegas;J. R. ca;Barbagallo;C. M. cb;Barceló;A. cc;Barkat;A. cd;Barros;A. J. D. bp;Barros;M. V. G. ce;Bata;I. cf;Batieha;A. M. cg;Batista;R. L. ch;Battakova;Z. ab;Batyrbek;A. ci;Baur L. A. q;Beaglehole;R. cj;Bel-Serrat;S. ck;Ben Romdhane;H. cl;Benedics;J. cm;Benet;M. cn;Berkinbayev;S. ci;Bernabe-Ortiz A. i;Bernotiene;G. co;Bettiol;H. cp;Bhagyalaxmi;A. cq;Bharadwaj;S. cr;Bhargava;S. K. cs;Bi;H. ct;Bi;Y. cu;Biehl;A. bk;Bika Lele;E. C. cv;Bikbov;M. cw;Bista;B. cx;Bjelica;D. J. cy;Bjerregaard;P. cz;da Bjertness;E. db;Bjertness;M. B. db;Björkelund;C. dc;Blokstra;A. dd;Bo;S. de;Bobak;M. df;Boddy;L. M. dg;Boehm;B. O. dh;Boeing;H. di;Boggia;J. G. dj;Boissonnet;C. P. dk;Bonaccio;M. dl;Bongard;V. dm;Bopp;M. dn;Borchini;R. do;Borghs;H. dp;Braeckevelt;L. dq;Braeckman;L. dr;Bragt;M. C. E. ds;Brajkovich;I. dt;Branca F. e;Breckenkamp;J. du;Breda;J. dv;Brenner;H. dw;Brewster;L. M. al;Brian;G. R. dx;Brinduse;L. dy;Bruno;G. de;Bueno-de-Mesquita;H. B. dd;Bugge;A. dz;Buoncristiano;M. dv;Burazeri;G. ea;Burns;C. eb;Cabrera de León;A. ec;Cacciottolo;J. ed;Cai;H. ee;Cama;T. ef;Cameron;C. eg;Camolas;J. eh;Can;G. ei;Can;G. ej;Cândido;A. P. C. ek;Cañete;F. el;Capanzana;M. V. aj;Capuano;E. em;Capuano;V. em;Cardoso;V. C. cp;Carlsson;A. C. en;Carmuega;E. eo;Carvalho;M. J. ep;Casanueva;F. F. eq;Casas;J. -P. df;Caserta;C. A. er;Celikcan;E. es;Censi;L. et;Cesar;J. A. eu;Chamukuttan;S. ev;Chan;A. W. ew;Chan Q. a;Chaturvedi;H. K. ex;Chaturvedi;N. df;Che Abdul Rahim;N. y Chen;C. -J. ey;Chen;F. ez;Chen;H. fa;Chen;S. fb;Chen;Z. fc;Cheng;C. -Y. ew;Cheng Y. J. h;Chetrit;A. fd;Chikova-Iscener;E. fe;Chiolero;A. ff;Chiou;S. -T. fg;Chirlaque;M. -D. fh;Cho;B. fi;Cho;Y. fj;Christensen;K. da;Christofaro;D. G. fk;Chudek;J. fl;Cifkova;R. fm;fn Cilia;M. fo;Cinteza;E. fp;Claessens;F. fq;Clarke;J. fr;Clays;E. dr;Concin;H. fs;Confortin;S. C. ft;Cooper;C. fu;Coppinger;T. C. eb;Costanzo;S. dl;Cottel;D. fv;Cowell C. q;Craig;C. L. eg;Crampin;A. C. fw;Crujeiras;A. B. fx;Cruz;J. J. ca;Cucu;A. fy;Cui;L. fb;Dallongeville;J. fv;Damasceno;A. fz;Damsgaard;C. T. bf;Dankner;R. fd;Dantoft;T. M. bw;D’Arrigo;G. ga;Dasgupta;P. gb;Dastgiri;S. gc;Dauchet;L. bb;Davletov;K. ci;De Backer;G. dr;De Bacquer;D. dr;De Curtis;A. dl;de Gaetano;G. dl;De Henauw;S. dr;de Oliveira;P. D. bp;De Ridder;K. gd;de Rooij;S. R. ge;De Smedt;D. dr;Deepa;M. bg;Deev;A. D. gf;Dehghan;A. gg;Delisle;H. gh;Delpeuch;F. gi;Dennison;E. fu;Deschamps;V. gj;Dhana;K. gg;Dhimal;M. cx;Di Castelnuovo;A. F. gk;Dias-da-Costa;J. S. gl;Diaz;A. gm;Dika Z. g;Djalalinia;S. gn;Do;H. T. P. go;Dobson;A. J. gp;Donati;M. B. dl;Donfrancesco;C. gq;Donoso;S. P. gr;Döring;A. gs;Dorobantu;M. fp;Dorosty;A. R. am;d’Orsi;E. ft;Doua;K. gt;Drygas;W. gu;Duan;J. L. gv;Duante;C. A. aj;Duda;R. B. gw;Duleva;V. fe;Dulskiene;V. co;Dumith;S. C. eu;Dzerve;V. gx;Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk;E. by;Eddie;R. gy;Egbagbe;E. E. gz;Eggertsen;R. dc;Eiben;G. ha;Ekelund;U. be;El Ati;J. hb;Eldemire-Shearer;D. hc;Eliasen;M. bw;Elliott P. a;Engle-Stone;R. hd;Erasmus;R. T. he;Erem;C. ei;Eriksen;L. da;Eriksson;J. G. hf;Escobedo-de la Peña;J. af;Evans;A. hg;Faeh;D. dn;Fall;C. H. fu;Farrugia Sant’Angelo;V. fo;Farzadfar;F. am;Fattahi;M. R. hh;Felix-Redondo;F. J. hi;Ferguson;T. S. hc;Fernandes;R. A. fk;Fernández-Bergés;D. hj;Ferrante;D. hk;Ferrari;M. hl;Ferreccio;C. hm;Ferrer;E. aj;Ferrieres;J. dm;Fijalkowska;A. hn;Fink;G. ho;hp Fischer;K. hq;Flores;E. M. hr;Föger;B. fs;Foo;L. H. hs;Forslund;A. -S. ht;Forsner;M. ht;Fouad;H. M. ay;Francis;D. K. hu;Franco;M. C. hv;Franco;O. H. gg;Frontera;G. hw;Fuchs;F. D. hx;Fuchs;S. C. hy;Fujita;Y. hz;Furusawa;T. ia;Gaciong;Z. ib;Gafencu M. o;Galeone;D. ic;Galvano;F. id;Gao;J. fb;Garcia-de-la-Hera;M. ie;Gareta;D. if;Garnett S. P. q;Gaspoz;J. -M. ig;Gasull;M. ih;Gates;L. ii;Gazzinelli;A. ij;Geiger;H. fs;Geleijnse;J. M. ik;Ghanbari;A. am;Ghasemi;E. am;Ghasemian;A. an;Gheorghe-Fronea;O. -F. fp;Giampaoli;S. gq;Gianfagna;F. gk;il Gill;T. K. im;Giovannelli;J. bb;Gironella;G. aj;Giwercman;A. in;Godos;J. id;Gogen;S. es;Goldsmith;R. A. io;Goltzman;D. ip;Gonçalves;H. bp;Gonzalez;A. R. iq;Gonzalez-Chica;D. A. im;Gonzalez-Gross;M. ir;González-Leon;M. af;González-Rivas;J. P. is;González-Villalpando;M. -E. it;Gottrand;F. ba;Graça;A. P. iu;Graff-Iversen;S. bk;Grafnetter;D. iv;Grajda;A. iw;Grammatikopoulou;M. G. ix;Gregor;R. D. cf;Grodzicki;T. iy;Grøntved;A. da;Grosso;G. id;Gruden;G. de;Gu;D. iz;Gualdi-Russo;E. ja;Gudmundsson;E. F. jb;Gudnason;V. bn;Guerrero;R. jc;Guessous;I. ig;Guimaraes;A. L. jd;Gulliford;M. C. je;Gunnlaugsdottir;J. jb;Gunter;M. jf;Guo;X. jg;Guo;Y. jg;Gupta;P. C. jh;Gupta;R. ji;Gureje;O. jj;Gurzkowska;B. iw;Gutierrez;L. jk;Gutzwiller;F. dn;Hadaegh;F. bu;Hadjigeorgiou;C. A. jl;Haghshenas;R. an;Halkjær;J. jm;Hardy;R. df;Hari Kumar;R. Hassapidou;M. jn;Hata;J. jo;Haugsgjerd;T. jp;He;J. jq;He;Y. jr;Heidinger-Felso;R. js;Heinen;M. ck;Hejgaard;T. jt;Hendriks;M. E. ju;Henriques;A. bj;Hernandez Cadena;L. hr;Herrala;S. jv;Herrera;V. M. jw;Herter-Aeberli;I. jx;Heshmat;R. jy;Hill;A. G. fu;Ho;S. Y. jz;Ho;S. C. ka;Hobbs;M. kb;Hofman;A. gg;Hopman;W. M. kc;Horimoto;A. R. V. R. kd;Hormiga;C. M. ke;Horta;B. L. bp;Houti;L. kf;Howitt C. p;Htay;T. T. kg;Htet;A. S. kh;Htike;M. M. T. kh;Hu;Y. ki;Huerta;J. M. kj;Huhtaniemi I. T. a;Huidumac Petrescu;C. fy;Huisman;M. kk;kl Husseini;A. ae;Huu;C. N. go;Huybrechts;I. jf;Hwalla;N. km;Hyska;J. ea;Iacoviello;L. dl;il Ibarluzea;J. M. kn;Ibrahim;M. M. ko;Ibrahim Wong;N. y Ikram;M. A. gg;Irazola;V. E. jk;Ishida;T. kp;Islam M. j;Ismail;A. -S. hs;Ivkovic;V. kq;Iwasaki;M. kr;Jääskeläinen;T. hf;Jackson;R. T. cj;Jacobs;J. M. ks;Jaddou;H. cg;Jafar;T. ew;James;K. hc;Jamil;K. M. av;Jamrozik;K. im;Janszky;I. kt;Janus;E. ku;Jarani;J. kv;Jarvelin;M. -R. a;br Jasienska;G. iy;Jelakovic;A. kq;Jelakovic;B. kw;Jennings;G. kx;Jeong;S. -L. ky;Jiang;C. Q. kz;Jimenez;R. O. la;Joffres;M. lb;Johansson;M. jf;Jokelainen;J. J. jv;Jonas;J. B. lc;Jørgensen;T. bw;Joshi;P. ld;Jovic;D. P. le;Józwiak;J. lf;Juolevi;A. hf;Jurak G. x;Juresa V. g;Kaaks;R. dw;Kafatos;A. lg;Kajantie;E. O. hf;Kalter-Leibovici;O. fd;Kamaruddin;N. A. lh;Kameli;Y. gi;Kapantais;E. li;Karki;K. B. lj;Kasaeian;A. am;Katibeh;M. lk;Katz;J. ll;Katzmarzyk;P. T. lm;Kauhanen;J. ln;Kaur;P. lo;Kavousi;M. gg;Kazakbaeva;G. cw;Keil;U. lp;Keinan-Boker;L. io;Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi;S. jv;Kelishadi;R. lq;Kelleher;C. ck;Kemper;H. C. G. lr;Kerimkulova;A. ls;Kersting;M. lt;Key;T. fc;Khader;Y. S. cg;Khalili;D. bu;Khateeb;M. ap;Khaw;K. -T. lu;Kheiri;B. bu;Khosravi;A. lv;Khouw;I. M. S. L. ds;Kiechl;S. lw;Kiechl-Kohlendorfer;U. lw;Killewo;J. lx;Kim;J. ly;Kim;Y. -Y. ky;Klimont;J. lz;Klumbiene;J. co;Knoflach;M. lw;Koirala;B. ma;Kolle;E. be;Kolsteren;P. dr;König;J. mb;Korpelainen;R. br;mc Korrovits;P. md;Korzycka;M. hn;Koskinen;S. hf;Kouda;K. me;Kovacs;V. A. mf;Kowlessur;S. mg;Koziel;S. mh;Kratzer;W. mi;Kriemler;S. dn;Kristensen;P. L. da;Krokstad;S. kt;Kromhout;D. mj;Kruger;H. S. mk;Kubinova;R. ml;Kuciene;R. co;Kuh;D. df;Kujala;U. M. mm;Kujundzic;E. mn;Kulaga;Z. iw;Kumar;R. K. mo;Kunešová;M. mp;Kurjata;P. gu;Kusuma;Y. S. mq;Kuulasmaa;K. hf;Kyobutungi;C. mr;La;Q. N. ms;Laamiri;F. Z. mt;Laatikainen;T. hf;Lachat;C. dr;Laid;Y. mu;Lam;T. H. jz;Lang Morovic;M. mv;Lanska;V. iv;Lappas;G. mw;Larijani;B. mx;Latt;T. S. my;Laugsand;L. E. kt;Lauria;L. gq;Lazo-Porras M. i;Le Nguyen Bao;K. go;Le Port;A. mz;Le;T. D. go;Lee;J. na;Lee;J. ly;Lee;P. H. nb;Lehtimäki;T. nc;Lemogoum;D. nd;Levitt;N. S. ne;Lilly;C. L. nf;Lim;W. -Y. na;Lima-Costa;M. F. ng;Lin;H. -H. nh;Lin;X. ni;Lind;L. nj;Linneberg;A. bw;Lissner;L. dc;Litwin;M. iw;Liu;J. nk;Loit;H. -M. nl;Lopes;L. ep;Lopez;T. nm;López-García;E. ca;Lorbeer;R. nn;Lotufo;P. A. cp;Lozano;J. E. no;Luksiene;D. co;Lundqvist;A. hf;Lundqvist;R. np;Lunet;N. ep;Lytsy;P. nq;Ma;G. ki;Ma;J. ki;Machado-Coelho;G. L. L. nr;Machado-Rodrigues;A. M. ns;Machi;S. nt;Maggi;S. nu;Magliano;D. J. nv;Magriplis;E. nw;Maire;B. gi;Majer M. g;Makdisse;M. nx;Malekzadeh;F. hh;Malekzadeh;R. hh;Malhotra;R. ew;Malyutina;S. ny;Maniego;L. V. aj;Manios;Y. nz;Mann;J. I. oa;Manzato;E. ob;Margozzini;P. hm;Markaki;A. oc;Markey;O. od;Markidou Ioannidou;E. oe;Marques;L. P. ft;Marques-Vidal;P. of;Marrugat;J. og;Martin;R. oh;Martin-Prevel;Y. gi;Martorell;R. oi;Martos;E. oj;Marventano;S. id;Masoodi;S. R. ok;Mathiesen;E. B. ol;Mathur;P. om;Matijasevich;A. cp;Matsha;T. E. on;Mazur;A. oo;Mbanya;J. C. N. bo;McFarlane;S. R. hc;McKee;M. bc;McLachlan;S. op;McLean;R. M. oa;McLean;S. B. fr;McNulty;B. A. ck;Md Yusof;S. oq;Mediene-Benchekor;S. kf;Medzioniene;J. co;Mehdipour;P. am;Meirhaeghe;A. or;Meisfjord;J. bk;Meisinger;C. gs;Menezes;A. M. B. bp;Menon;G. R. bv;Mensink;G. B. M. os;Mereke;A. ci;Meshram I. I.;Metspalu;A. hq;Meyer;H. E. db;Mi;J. ez;Michaelsen;K. F. bf;Michels;N. dr;Mikkel;K. hq;Miller;J. C. oa;Minderico;C. S. ot;Miquel;J. F. hm;Mirkopoulou;D. ou;Mirrakhimov;E. ls;Misigoj-Durakovic M. g;Mistretta;A. id;Mocanu;V. ov;Modesti;P. A. ow;Moghaddam;S. S. am;Mohajer;B. am;Mohamed M. K. v;Mohammad;K. am;Mohammadifard;N. ox;Mohan;V. bg;Mohanna S. i;Mohd Yusoff;M. F. y Mohebi;F. am;Moitry;M. oy;oz Molbo;D. bf;Møllehave;L. T. bw;Møller;N. C. da;Molnár;D. js;Momenan;A. bu;Mondo;C. K. pa;Monterrubio;E. A. pb;Monyeki;K. D. K. pc;Moon;J. S. pd;Moreira;L. B. hy;Morejon;A. pe;Moreno;L. A. pf;Morgan;K. pg;Morin;S. ip;Mortensen;E. L. bf;Moschonis;G. ph;Mossakowska;M. pi;Mota;J. ep;Mota-Pinto;A. ns;Motlagh;M. E. pj;Motta;J. pk;Msyamboza;K. P. pl;Mu;T. T. pm;Muc;M. ns;Mugoša;B. mn;Muiesan;M. L. pn;Mukhtorova;P. po;Müller-Nurasyid;M. gs;Murphy;N. jf;Mursu;J. ln;Murtagh;E. M. oh;Milanovic S. M. g;mv Musil;V. g Nabipour;I. pp;Naderimagham;S. am;Nagel;G. pq;Naidu B. M. y;Nakamura;H. pr;Námešná;J. bs;Nang;E. E. K. na;Nangia;V. B. ps;Nankap;M. pt;Narake;S. jh;Nardone;P. gq;Nauck;M. nn;Navarrete-Muñoz;E. M. ie;Neal;W. A. nf;Nelis;K. nl;Nelis;L. nl;Nenko;I. iy;Nervi;F. hm;Nguyen;C. T. pu;Nguyen;N. D. pv;Nguyen;Q. N. pw;Nieto-Martínez;R. E. px;Ning;G. cu;Ninomiya;T. jo;Nishtar;S. py;Noale;M. nu;Noboa;O. A. dj;Norat T. a;Norie;S. pz;Noto;D. cb;Nsour;M. A. qa;Nurk;E. nl;Nyirenda;M. bc;Obreja;G. qb;Ochoa-Avilés;A. M. gr;Oda;E. qc;Oh;K. fj;Ohara;K. hz;Ohtsuka;R. qd;Olafsson;Ö. jb;Olinto;M. T. A. qe;Oliveira;I. O. bp;Oltarzewski;M. qf;Omar M. A. y;Onat;A. ej;O’Neill;T. W. qg;Ong;S. K. qh;Ono;L. M. ft;Ordunez;P. cc;O’Reilly;D. hg;Ornelas;R. qi;Ortiz;A. P. qj;Ortiz P. J. i;Osler;M. qk;Osmond;C. ql;Ostojic;S. M. qm;Ostovar;A. am;Otero;J. A. ke;Overvad;K. lk;Owusu-Dabo;E. qn;Paccaud;F. M. qo;Padez;C. ns;Pagkalos;I. jn;Pahomova;E. gx;Pająk;A. iy;Palli;D. qp;Palloni;A. qq;Palmieri;L. gq;Pan;W. -H. ey;Panda-Jonas;S. lc;Pandey;A. ex;Panza;F. qr;Papandreou;D. qs;Park;S. -W. qt;Parnell;W. R. oa;Parsaeian;M. am;Pascanu;I. M. qu;Patel;N. D. qv;Pecin;I. kq;kw Pednekar;M. S. jh;Peer;N. qw;Peixoto;S. V. ng;Peltonen;M. hf;Pereira;A. C. kd;Pérez;C. M. qj;Perez-Farinos;N. qx;Peters;A. gs;Petersmann;A. nn;Petkeviciene;J. co;Petrauskiene;A. co;Peykari;N. gn;Pham;S. T. qy;Pierannunzio;D. gq;Pigeot;I. qz;Pikhart;H. df;Pilav;A. ra;Pilotto;L. rb;Pistelli;F. rc;Pitakaka;F. rd;Piwonska;A. gu;Plans-Rubió;P. re;Poh;B. K. lh;Pohlabeln;H. qz;Pop;R. M. qu;Popovic;S. R. cy;Porta;M. rf;Portegies;M. L. P. gg;Posch;G. fs;Poulimeneas;D. jn;Pouraram;H. am;Pourshams;A. rg;Poustchi;H. rh;Pradeepa;R. bg;Price;A. J. bc;Price;J. F. op;Puder;J. J. of;Pudule;I. ri;Puhakka;S. E. br;mc Puiu;M. o Punab;M. md;Qasrawi;R. F. aa;Qorbani;M. rj;Quoc Bao;T. rk;Radhika M. S.;Radic;I. qm;Radisauskas;R. co;Rahman;M. rl;Rahman;M. rm;Raitakari;O. rn;Raj;M. mo;Rajkumar H.;Rakhmatulloev;S. po;Ramachandra Rao;S. lo;Ramachandran;A. ev;Ramke;J. cj;Ramos;E. bt;Ramos;R. ro;Rampal;L. rp;Rampal;S. rq;Rao K. M.;Rascon-Pacheco;R. A. af;Rasmussen;M. rr;Redon;J. rs;Reganit;P. F. M. rt;Regecová;V. ru;Revilla;L. nm;Ribas-Barba;L. rv;Ribeiro;R. rw;Riboli E. a;Rigo;F. rx;Rinaldo;N. ja;Rinke de Wit;T. F. ry;Rito;A. rz;Ritti-Dias;R. M. sa;Rivera;J. A. hr;Robitaille;C. sb;Rodrigues;D. ns;Rodríguez-Artalejo;F. ca;Rodriguez-Perez;M. C. sc;Rodríguez-Villamizar;L. A. sd;Rojas-Martinez;R. pb;Rojroongwasinkul;N. ah;Romaguera;D. fx;Rosengren;A. dc;se Rouse;I. sf;Roy;J. G. R. fr;Rubinstein;A. jk;Rühli;F. J. dn;Ruidavets;J. -B. dm;Ruiz Moreno;E. sg;Ruiz-Betancourt;B. S. af;Russo;P. sh;Rust;P. mb;Rutkowski;M. bz;Sabanayagam;C. si;Sachdev;H. S. sj;Safiri;S. sk;Saidi;O. cl;Salanave;B. gj;Salazar-Martinez;E. hr;Salmerón;D. kj;Salomaa;V. hf;Salonen;J. T. sl;Salvetti;M. pn;Sánchez-Abanto;J. sm;Sandjajasn Sans;S. so;Santa-Marina;L. sp;Santos;D. A. sq;Santos;I. S. bp;Santos;O. sq;Santos;R. ep;Sanz;S. S. qx;Saramies;J. L. sr;Sardinha;L. B. sq;Sarrafzadegan;N. ss;Saum;K. -U. dw;Savva;S. jl;Savy;M. gi;Scazufca;M. st;Schaffrath Rosario;A. os;Schargrodsky;H. su;Schienkiewitz;A. os;Schindler;K. sv;Schipf;S. nn;Schmidt;C. O. nn;Schmidt;I. M. sw;Schöttker;B. dw;Schultsz;C. ge;Schutte A. E. s;mk Sebert;S. br;Sein;A. A. kh;Selamat R. y;Sember V. x;Sen;A. kt;Senbanjo;I. O. sx;Sepanlou;S. G. am;Sequera;V. el;Serra-Majem;L. sy;Servais;J. fr;Shalnova;S. A. gf;Sharma;S. K. ma;Shaw;J. E. nv;Shengelia;L. sz;Shibuya;K. kp;Shimizu-Furusawa;H. ta;Shin;D. W. tb;Shin;Y. si;Siani;A. sh;Siantar;R. si;Sibai;A. M. km;Silva;A. M. ch;Silva;D. A. S. ft;Simon;M. ev;Simons;J. tc;Simons;L. A. td;Si-Ramlee;K. qh;Sjöberg;A. dc;Sjöström M. w;Slowikowska-Hilczer;J. by;Slusarczyk;P. pi;Smeeth;L. bc;Snijder;M. B. al;So;H. -K. jz;Sobngwi;E. bo;Söderberg;S. ht;Soekatri;M. Y. E. te;Soemantri;A. tf;Solfrizzi;V. tg;Sonestedt;E. in;Song;Y. ki;Sørensen;T. I. A. bf;Sossa Jérome;C. th;Soumaré;A. ti;Spinelli;A. gq;Spiroski;I. tj;Staessen;J. A. tk;Stamm;H. tl;Stathopoulou;M. G. tm;Staub;K. dn;Stavreski;B. kx;Steene-Johannessen;J. be;Stehle;P. tn;Stein;A. D. oi;Stergiou;G. S. to;Stessman;J. ks;Stöckl;D. gs;Stocks;T. in;Stokwiszewski;J. tp;Stratton;G. tq;Stronks;K. al;Strufaldi;M. W. hv;Sturua;L. sz;Suárez-Medina;R. it;Sun;C. -A. tr;Sundström;J. nj;Sung;Y. -T. ka;Sunyer;J. ax;Suriyawongpaisal;P. ah;Swinburn;B. A. cj;Sy;R. G. rt;Sylva;R. C. ts;Szponar;L. qf;Tai;E. S. na;Tammesoo;M. -L. hq;Tamosiunas;A. co;Tan E. J. q;Tang;X. ki;Tanser;F. tt;Tao;Y. ki;Tarawneh;M. R. tu;Tarp;J. be;Tarqui-Mamani;C. B. sm;Taxová Braunerová;R. mp;Taylor;A. im;Tchibindat;F. pt;Tebar;W. R. fk;Tell;G. jp;Tello T. i;Theobald;H. en;Theodoridis;X. ix;Thijs;L. tk;Thuesen;B. H. bw;Tichá;L. tv;Timmermans;E. J. lr;Tjonneland;A. jm;Tolonen;H. K. hf;Tolstrup;J. S. da;Topbas;M. ei;Topór-Madry;R. iy;Tormo;M. J. tw;Tornaritis;M. J. jl;Torrent;M. tx;Toselli;S. ty;Traissac;P. gi;Trichopoulos D. l;Trichopoulou;A. tz;Trinh;O. T. H. pv;Trivedi;A. ua;Tsao;Y. -H. nh;Tshepo;L. ub;Tsigga;M. jn;Tsugane;S. pz;Tulloch-Reid;M. K. hc;Tullu;F. uc;Tuomainen;T. -P. ln;Tuomilehto;J. ud;Turley;M. L. ue;Tynelius P. w;Tzotzas;T. li;Tzourio;C. ti;Ueda P. l;Ugel;E. E. uf;Ukoli;F. A. M. ug;Ulmer;H. lw;Unal;B. uh;Uusitalo;H. M. T. ui;Vaitkeviciute;J. co;Valdivia;G. hm;Vale;S. uj;Valvi D. l;van der Schouw;Y. T. uk;Van Herck;K. dr;Van Minh;H. ms;van Rossem;L. ul;Van Schoor;N. M. lr;van Valkengoed;I. G. M. al;Vanderschueren;D. fq;Vanuzzo;D. rb;Varela-Moreiras;G. sg;Varona-Pérez;P. it;Vatten;L. kt;Vega;T. no;Veidebaum;T. nl;Velasquez-Melendez;G. ij;Velika;B. ri;Veronesi;G. il;Verschuren;W. M. M. dd;Victora;C. G. bp;Viegi;G. um;Viet;L. dd;Vineis P. a;Vioque;J. un;Virtanen;J. K. ln;Visser;M. kl;Visvikis-Siest;S. tm;Viswanathan;B. uo;Vlasoff;T. up;Vollenweider;P. of;Völzke;H. nn;Voutilainen;A. ln;Voutilainen;S. ln;Vrijheid;M. ax;Vrijkotte;T. G. M. kk;Wade;A. N. uq;Wagner;A. oz;Waldhör;T. sv;Walton;J. eb;Wan Bebakar;W. M. hs;Wan Mohamud;W. N. ur;Wanderley R. S.;Jr. ce;Wang;M. -D. sb;Wang;Q. us;Wang;X. ut;Wang;Y. X. jg;Wang;Y. -W. fg;Wannamethee;S. G. df;Wareham;N. lu;Weber;A. cm;Weerasekera;D. ue;Weghuber;D. uu;Wei;W. jg;Whincup;P. H. uv;Widhalm;K. sv;Widyahening;I. S. uw;Wiecek;A. fl;Wijga;A. H. dd;Wilks;R. J. hc;Willeit;J. lw;Willeit;P. lw;Wilsgaard;T. ol;Wojtyniak;B. tp;Wong;J. E. lh;Wong;T. Y. ew;Wong-McClure R. A. z;Woo;J. ka;Woodward;M. fc;td Wu;F. C. qg;Wu;J. ct;Wu;S. fb;Xu;H. ux;Xu;L. jg;Yamborisut;U. ah;Yan;W. uy;Yang;L. fc;Yang;X. jr;Yang;Y. ut;Yardim;N. es;Yaseri;M. bu;Ye;X. ni;Yiallouros;P. K. uz;Yngve;A. nj;Yoosefi;M. am;Yoshihara;A. kr;You;Q. S. jg;You;S. -L. tr;Younger-Coleman;N. O. hc;Yusoff A. F. y;Zaccagni;L. ja;Zafiropulos;V. oc;Zamani;F. va;Zambon;S. ob;Zampelas;A. nw;Zamrazilová;H. mp;Zapata;M. E. eo;Zaw;K. K. my;Zdrojewski;T. bz;Zeljkovic Vrkic;T. kq;Zeng;Y. fa;ki Zhao;D. nk;Zhao;W. jr;Zheng;W. ee;Zheng;Y. si;Zholdin;B. vb;Zhou;M. jr;Zhu;D. vc;Zhussupov;B. ci;Zimmermann;E. bw;Zuñiga Cisneros;J. pk;Ezzati M.
Body-mass index (BMI) has increased steadily in most countries in parallel with a rise in the proportion of the population who live in cities(.)(1,2) This has led to a widely reported view that urbanization is one of the most important drivers of the global rise in obesity(3-6). Here we use 2,009 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight in more than 112 million adults, to report national, regional and global trends in mean BMI segregated by place of residence (a rural or urban area) from 1985 to 2017. We show that, contrary to the dominant paradigm, more than 55% of the global rise in mean BMI from 1985 to 2017-and more than 80% in some low- and middle-income regions-was due to increases in BMI in rural areas. This large contribution stems from the fact that, with the exception of women in sub-Saharan Africa, BMI is increasing at the same rate or faster in rural areas than in cities in low- and middle-income regions. These trends have in turn resulted in a closing-and in some countries reversal-of the gap in BMI between urban and rural areas in low- and middle-income countries, especially for women. In high-income and industrialized countries, we noted a persistently higher rural BMI, especially for women. There is an urgent need for an integrated approach to rural nutrition that enhances financial and physical access to healthy foods, to avoid replacing the rural undernutrition disadvantage in poor countries with a more general malnutrition disadvantage that entails excessive consumption of low-quality calories.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.