The monograph traces the evolution of legislation on the access to work of disabled people, highlighting the gradual retreat of the obligations imposed in the regulation of the subject, as the legal provisions have moved from imposing the employment of the protected worker to a scheme which aims for a “useful and employable” worker (which corresponds to a transition from a granted job to the recognition of an effective real right to work) The relevant stages of this trajectory mark the articulation of the study, which follows the path in terms of the contents, the regulatory techniques, and the related sanctioning apparatus, underlining the different approach in the legislative intervention (of a charitable welfare nature in the Law No. 482/1968, of targeted placement in the Law No. 68/1999). The eminently imposing scheme is highlighted in the analysis of each profile of the 1968 model, which was based on a bureaucratic survey of the requirements for access to the compulsory placement system and the subsequent assignment of jobs that were imposed on the “parties” involved (employer and employee), regardless of their needs and necessities. These needs and requirements are instead placed at the center of the subsequent legislation on the subject, which promotes the placement and integration of protected subjects through “support and targeted placement services”. It is highlighted how these innovative elements are “seeded” on the traditional binding structure, reshaping of its paradigm both on specific topics and on the overall system. The new order is aimed at establishing a connection between protected obliged parties that takes into account the needs of both, according to a win-win model that combines the needs of effective work placement of the workers with the organizational needs of the employers. In this perspective, the legislation provides for a series of tools - training, incentives, adjustments - aimed at neutralizing the employee’s handicap, i.e. a reduced work capacity differential with respect to the generality of workers. This approach acquires a fundamental role in the latest developments in the relevant legislation (Decree Law No. 76/2013, Legislative Decree No. 151/2015), which, based on the European regulation, takes up the concept of the anti-discrimination strategy of “reasonable accommodation”, which aims, inter alia, to redefine the right/duty relationship of the two parties of the placement system.
La monografia ripercorre l’evoluzione normativa in tema di accesso al lavoro dei disabili, evidenziando il graduale arretramento del carico di obbligo che si è registrato nella regolamentazione della materia, con il passaggio da una imposizione tout court del soggetto protetto a una imposizione di un lavoratore “utile e utilizzabile” (per il quale, specularmente, si ha un passaggio da un posto di lavoro octroyè al riconoscimento di un vero e proprio diritto al lavoro) Gli stadi salienti di questa traiettoria scandiscono l’articolazione dello studio, che ne segue il percorso sul piano dei contenuti, delle tecniche regolative, dell’apparato sanzionatorio correlato; sottolineando la diversa logica alla base dell’intervento legislativo (di tipo assistenziale nella Legge n. 482/1968, di collocamento mirato nella L. n. 68/1999). La matrice eminentemente impositiva è evidenziata nell’analisi di ogni profilo del modello del ’68, che si risolveva in un burocratico rilevamento dei requisiti per l’accesso al sistema di collocamento coattivo e nella successiva assegnazione di posti di lavoro che venivano imposti all’una come all’altra delle “parti” così poste in relazione, al di là di ogni considerazione delle loro esigenze e necessità. Queste esigenze e necessità sono poste invece al centro della successiva legislazione in materia, che si propone la promozione dell’inserimento e dell’integrazione dei soggetti protetti attraverso «servizi di sostegno e di collocamento mirato». Si evidenzia come questi innovativi elementi vengano “impiantati” sull’assetto vincolistico tradizionale, determinando una rimodulazione del paradigma impositivo tanto su profili determinati, quanto sul sistema complessivo. Il nuovo ordine è diretto a stabilire una connessione tra soggetti protetti e soggetti obbligati che tenga conto delle esigenze di entrambi, secondo un modello win-win che coniughi le esigenze di effettivo inserimento lavorativo del prestatore con le necessità organizzative datoriali. In questa prospettiva il legislatore appresta una serie di strumenti – di tipo formativo, incentivante, adattativo – volti alla neutralizzazione dell’handicap del lavoratore, cioè alla riduzione del suo differenziale di capacità lavorativa rispetto alla generalità dei lavoratori. Questo tipo di strumenti acquista un ruolo fondamentale negli ultimi sviluppi della legislazione in materia (D.L. n. 76/2013, D.Lgs. n. 151/2015), che, sulla scorta dalla regolazione sovranazionale, assume a fondamento della strategia antidiscriminatoria la nozione di “accomodamento ragionevole”, che vale, tra l’altro, a ridefinire le posizioni di diritto e obbligo dei due poli del sistema di collocamento.
Disabili e lavoro
angelica riccardi
The monograph traces the evolution of legislation on the access to work of disabled people, highlighting the gradual retreat of the obligations imposed in the regulation of the subject, as the legal provisions have moved from imposing the employment of the protected worker to a scheme which aims for a “useful and employable” worker (which corresponds to a transition from a granted job to the recognition of an effective real right to work) The relevant stages of this trajectory mark the articulation of the study, which follows the path in terms of the contents, the regulatory techniques, and the related sanctioning apparatus, underlining the different approach in the legislative intervention (of a charitable welfare nature in the Law No. 482/1968, of targeted placement in the Law No. 68/1999). The eminently imposing scheme is highlighted in the analysis of each profile of the 1968 model, which was based on a bureaucratic survey of the requirements for access to the compulsory placement system and the subsequent assignment of jobs that were imposed on the “parties” involved (employer and employee), regardless of their needs and necessities. These needs and requirements are instead placed at the center of the subsequent legislation on the subject, which promotes the placement and integration of protected subjects through “support and targeted placement services”. It is highlighted how these innovative elements are “seeded” on the traditional binding structure, reshaping of its paradigm both on specific topics and on the overall system. The new order is aimed at establishing a connection between protected obliged parties that takes into account the needs of both, according to a win-win model that combines the needs of effective work placement of the workers with the organizational needs of the employers. In this perspective, the legislation provides for a series of tools - training, incentives, adjustments - aimed at neutralizing the employee’s handicap, i.e. a reduced work capacity differential with respect to the generality of workers. This approach acquires a fundamental role in the latest developments in the relevant legislation (Decree Law No. 76/2013, Legislative Decree No. 151/2015), which, based on the European regulation, takes up the concept of the anti-discrimination strategy of “reasonable accommodation”, which aims, inter alia, to redefine the right/duty relationship of the two parties of the placement system.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.