The specific agreement, made between the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) and the regional authorities of Apulia, has resulted in an intense collaboration between the two authorities for the monitoring and the study of the epidemiology of induced abortion between 1983 and 2008. Every year in the period, the ISS has checked and analysed the regional data and has submitted the results to both the regional health authority and ISTAT, the Italian Central Statistical Office. Further, the ISS has collaborated with regional experts to produce reports on the evolution of induced abortion in the period, in which there have been proposals of interventions for prevention and suggestions for improving abortion services. Also, sample surveys of knowledge, attitudes and practice of family planning have been conducted. The results, which show a notable decrease in the number of women seeking the termination of pregnancy in Apulia, have been compared and contrasted with those of other regions and within the five provinces of Apulia. Furthermore, suggestions for checking and improving data quality, the new computer-based information system started in 2007, and strategies for prevention have been presented.
Il rapporto conclude l’intensa collaborazione tra l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) e la Regione Puglia per la sorveglianza epidemiologica dell’Interruzione Volontaria di Gravidanza (IVG) svoltasi dal 1983 al 2008, sulla base di una specifica convenzione. L’ISS ha provveduto annualmente al controllo, all’informatizzazione e all’analisi dei dati, restituendo tempestivamente i risultati alla Regione e all’Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. Inoltre, l’ISS, in collaborazione con i funzionari regionali, ha redatto rapporti regionali sull’evoluzione del fenomeno, nei quali sono state formulate proposte per la prevenzione dell’aborto e per il miglioramento della qualità dei servizi. Sono state anche organizzate indagini campionarie su conoscenze, attitudini e comportamenti relativi alla pianificazione familiare. I risultati evidenziano una diminuzione particolarmente elevata del ricorso all’IVG in Puglia e valutano le caratteristiche del fenomeno rispetto ad altre regioni e per provincia; sono inoltre presentate indicazioni per la prevenzione, per il controllo dei dati e il nuovo sistema informativo regionale per l’IVG.
Il nuovo flusso di raccolta dati in Puglia dal 2007
The specific agreement, made between the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) and the regional authorities of Apulia, has resulted in an intense collaboration between the two authorities for the monitoring and the study of the epidemiology of induced abortion between 1983 and 2008. Every year in the period, the ISS has checked and analysed the regional data and has submitted the results to both the regional health authority and ISTAT, the Italian Central Statistical Office. Further, the ISS has collaborated with regional experts to produce reports on the evolution of induced abortion in the period, in which there have been proposals of interventions for prevention and suggestions for improving abortion services. Also, sample surveys of knowledge, attitudes and practice of family planning have been conducted. The results, which show a notable decrease in the number of women seeking the termination of pregnancy in Apulia, have been compared and contrasted with those of other regions and within the five provinces of Apulia. Furthermore, suggestions for checking and improving data quality, the new computer-based information system started in 2007, and strategies for prevention have been presented.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.