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A court ruled case on therapy‐induced false memories 1-gen-2022 Otgaar, Henry; Curci, Antonietta; Mangiulli, Ivan; Battista, Fabiana; Rizzotti, Elisa; Sartori, Giuseppe
A scientometric and descriptive review on the debate about repressed memories and traumatic forgetting 1-gen-2023 Battista, Fabiana; Mangiulli, Ivan; Patihis, Lawrence; Dodier, Olivier; Curci, Antonietta; Lanciano, Tiziana; Otgaar, Henry
Accuracy, Confidence, and Experiential Criteria for Lie Detection Through a Videotaped Interview 1-gen-2019 Curci, Antonietta; Lanciano, Tiziana; Battista, Fabiana; Guaragno, Sabrina; Maria Ribatti, Raffaella
Can implicit measures detect source information in crime-related amnesia? 1-gen-2018 Mangiulli, Ivan; Lanciano, Tiziana; Jelicic, Marko; van Oorsouw, Kim; Battista, Fabiana; Curci, Antonietta
Can we believe in our own lies? 1-gen-2020 Battista, Fabiana; Mangiulli, Ivan; Curci, Antonietta; Riesthuis, Paul; Otgaar, Henry
Challenging memories reduces intrusive memories and the memory amplification effect 1-gen-2023 Li, C.; Otgaar, H.; Battista, F.; Muris, P.; Wang, J.
Do liars really remember what they lied upon? The impact of fabrication on memory 1-gen-2021 Battista, Fabiana; Mangiulli, Ivan; Riesthuis, Paul; Curci, Antonietta; Otgaar, Henry
Does Alexithymia Affect Memory for a Crime? The Relationship Between Alexithymia, Executive Functions, and Memories 1-gen-2021 Battista, Fabiana; Lanciano, Tiziana; Curci, Antonietta
Editorial: The impact of internal and external influences on memory and their relevance to legal decisions 1-gen-2024 Battista, F.; Mangiulli, I.; Otgaar, H.; Curci, A.
Education Shapes Future Legal Practitioners’ Evaluation of Legal Cases 1-gen-2024 Battista, F.; De Beuf, T. L. F.
Even if you look confident, I am not sure you are telling the truth! The role of sender confidence on truthfulness judgment of emotional narratives 1-gen-2024 Battista, Fabiana; Luke, Timothy J.; Curci, Antonietta; Lanciano, Tiziana
Examining the associations between nonbelieved memories and memory distrust, self-esteem, and rumination. 1-gen-2022 Zhang, Yikang; Battista, Fabiana; Thissen, Dimitra; Otgaar, Henry; Wang, Jianqin; Jelicic, Marko
Explaining Intimate Partner Violence with LLaMAntino 1-gen-2024 Basile, P.; de Gemmis, M.; Musacchio, E.; Polignano, M.; Semeraro, G.; Siciliani, L.; Tamburrano, V.; Barletta, V.; Caivano, D.; Battista, F.; Curci, A.; Scardigno, R.; Calvano, G.; Sorianello, P.
External and internal influences yield similar memory effects: the role of deception and suggestion 1-gen-2023 Otgaar, Henry; Mangiulli, Ivan; Battista, Fabiana; Howe, Mark L.
Eyewitness Memory: Factors affecting the formation of false memories 1-gen-2024 Battista, F.; Mangiulli, I.; Curci, A.
Fake memories: A meta-analysis on the effect of fake news on the creation of false memories and false beliefs 1-gen-2024 Schincariol, Alexa; Otgaar, Henry; Greene, Ciara M.; Murphy, Gillian; Riesthuis, Paul; Mangiulli, Ivan; Battista, Fabiana
False memory and COVID-19: How people fall for fake news about COVID-19 in digital contexts 1-gen-2022 Mangiulli, Ivan; Battista, Fabiana; Abdel Kafi, Nadja; Coveliers, Eline; Carlson Webster, Theodore; Curci, Antonietta; Otgaar, Henry
How Witnesses Remember Crimes: The Role of Cognitive Resources and Deception on Memory 31-mar-2021 Battista, Fabiana
I lie because I am good at: psychopathic traits do not influence the effects of fabrication on memory 1-gen-2023 Battista, Fabiana; Lanciano, Tiziana; Curci, Antonietta; Mirandola, Chiara; Otgaar, Henry
Individual differences impact memory for a crime: A study on executive functions resources 1-gen-2020 Battista, F.; Otgaar, H.; Lanciano, T.; Curci, A.