A Brief Review of Nozzle Spray Drop Size Measurement Techniques
2021-01-01 Pascuzzi, S.; Manetto, G.; Santoro, F.; Cerruto, E.
A field evaluation of a liquid petroleum gas engine on a harvesting platform
2006-01-01 Bianchi, Biagio; Pascuzzi, Simone
A mathematical model of the cutting process of the sugar beet leafy tops without a tracer
2019-01-01 Bulgakov, V.; Ivanovs, S.; Pascuzzi, S.; Boris, A.; Ihnatiev, Y.
A mathematical model of the plane-parallel movement of an asymmetric machine-and-tractor aggregate
2018-01-01 Bulgakov, V.; Pascuzzi, S.; Nadykto, V.; Ivanovs, S.
A multibody approach applied to the study of driver injuries due to a narrow-track wheeled tractor rollover
2015-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone
A New Spiral Potato Cleaner to Enhance the Removal of Impurities and Soil Clods in Potato Harvesting
2020-01-01 Bulgakov, Volodymyr; Pascuzzi, Simone; Ivanovs, Semjons; Ruzhylo, Zinoviy; Fedosiy, Ivan; Santoro, Francesco
A new test-bench for the inspection and the adjustment of the sprayers employed in the mediterranea tree cultures
2013-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Guarella, A.
A Study on the Drift of Spray Droplets Dipped in Airflows with Different Directions
2020-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Bulgakov, Volodymyr; Santoro, Francesco; Anifantis, Alexandros Sotirios; Ivanovs, Semjons; Holovach, Ivan
A Survey on Occupational Injuries in Works on Trees in Italy
2016-01-01 Proto, A. R.; Mazzocchi, F.; Cossio, F.; Bortolini, L.; Pascuzzi, Simone; Caruso, L.; Diano, M.; Zimbalatti, G.
A theoretical study of the limit path of the movement of a layer of soil along the plough mouldboard
2019-01-01 Bulgakov, V.; Pascuzzi, S.; Adamchuk, V.; Ivanovs, S.; Pylypaka, S.
An experimental investigation of performance levels in a new root crown cleaner
2019-01-01 Bulgakov, V.; Pascuzzi, S.; Arak, M.; Santoro, F.; Anifantis, A. S.; Ihnatiev, Y.; Olt, J.
An innovative pneumatic electrostatic sprayer useful for tendone vineyards
2015-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Cerruto, Emanuele
Analisi dei profili di distribuzione di irroratrici a singola e doppia ventola assiale
2005-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Guarella, A.
Analisi del rischio e misure di prevenzione nella filiera olivicola pugliese
2003-01-01 Panaro, V; Pascuzzi, Simone; Santoro, Francesco
Analisi del rischio e misure di prevenzione nella filiera olivicola pugliese
2002-01-01 Panaro, V.; Pascuzzi, Simone; Santoro, Francesco
Analisi delle esposizioni al rumore nella filiera olivicola: rilievi nelle fasi di raccolta meccanica e spremitura delle olive
2004-01-01 Panaro, V.; Pascuzzi, Simone; Santoro, Francesco
Analisi delle vibrazioni trasmesse al sistema mano-braccio da alcuni modelli di scuotitori portatili. Prime valutazioni
2007-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Santoro, Francesco; Panaro, V.; Patruno, Giuseppe
Analysis of Possible Noise Reduction Arrangements inside Olive Oil Mills: A Case Study
2017-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Santoro, Francesco
Analysis of the almond harvesting and hulling mechanization process: A case study
2017-01-01 Pascuzzi, Simone; Santoro, Francesco
Analysis of the Influence of the Spark Plug on Exhaust Gas Composition
2023-01-01 Tucki, Karol; Orynycz, Olga; Mieszkalski, Leszek; Gilberto Mendes dos Reis, Joao; Matijošius, Jonas; Wocial, Michał; Kuric, Ivan; Pascuzzi, Simone