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Risultati 17981 - 17990 di 19218 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.065 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Rates, polarizations, and asymmetries in charmless vector-vector B meson decays 1-gen-2003 Aubert, B; Barate, R; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, Jm; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, Jp; Robbe, P; Tisserand, V; Zghiche, A; Palano, Antimo; Chen, Jc; Qi, Nd; Rong, G; Wang, P; Zhu, Ys; Eigen, G; Ofte, I; Stugu, B; Abrams, Gs; Borgland, Aw; Breon, Ab; Brown, Dn; Button Shafer, J; Cahn, Rn; Charles, E; Day, Ct; Gill, Ms; Gritsan, Av; Groysman, Y; Jacobsen, Rg; Kadel, Rw; Kadyk, J; Kerth, Lt; Kolomensky, Yg; Kral, Jf; Kukartsev, G; Leclerc, C; Levi, Me; Lynch, G; Mir, Lm; Oddone, Pj; Orimoto, Tj; Pripstein, M; Roe, Na; Romosan, A; Ronan, Mt; Shelkov, Vg; Telnov, Av; Wenzel, Wa; Ford, K; Harrison, Tj; Hawkes, Cm; Knowles, Dj; Morgan, Se; Penny, Rc; Watson, At; Watson, Nk; Deppermann, T; Goetzen, K; Koch, H; Lewandowski, B; Pelizaeus, M; Peters, K; Schmuecker, H; Steinke, M; Barlow, Nr; Boyd, Jt; Chevalier, N; Cottingham, Wn; Kelly, Mp; Latham, Te; Mackay, C; Wilson, Ff; Abe, K; Cuhadar Donszelmann, T; Hearty, C; Mattison, Ts; Mckenna, Ja; Thiessen, D; Kyberd, P; Mckemey, Ak; Blinov, Ve; Bukin, Ad; Golubev, Vb; Ivanchenko, Vn; Kravchenko, Ea; Onuchin, Ap; Serednyakov, Si; Skovpen, Yi; Solodov, Ep; Yushkov, An; Best, D; Chao, M; Kirkby, D; Lankford, Aj; Mandelkern, M; Mcmahon, S; Mommsen, Rk; Roethel, W; Stoker, Dp; Buchanan, C; del Re, D; Hadavand, Hk; Hill, Ej; Macfarlane, Db; Paar, Hp; Rahatlou, S; Schwanke, U; Sharma, V; Berryhill, Jw; Campagnari, C; Dahmes, B; Kuznetsova, N; Levy, Sl; Long, O; Lu, A; Mazur, Ma; Richman, Jd; Verkerke, W; Beck, Tw; Beringer, J; Eisner, Am; Heusch, Ca; Lockman, Ws; Schalk, T; Schmitz, Re; Schumm, Ba; Seiden, A; Turri, M; Walkowiak, W; Williams, Dc; Wilson, Mg; Albert, J; Chen, E; Dubois Felsmann, Gp; Dvoretskii, A; Hitlin, Dg; Narsky, I; Porter, Fc; Ryd, A; Samuel, A; Yang, S; Jayatilleke, S; Mancinelli, G; Meadows, Bt; Sokoloff, Md; Abe, T; Barillari, T; Blanc, F; Bloom, P; Chen, S; Clark, Pj; Ford, Wt; Nauenberg, U; Olivas, A; Rankin, P; Roy, J; Smith, Jg; van Hoek, Wc; Zhang, L; Harton, Jl; Hu, T; Soffer, A; Toki, Wh; Wilson, Rj; Zhang, J; Altenburg, D; Brandt, T; Brose, J; Colberg, T; Dickopp, M; Dubitzky, Rs; Hauke, A; Lacker, Hm; Maly, E; Muller Pfefferkorn, R; Nogowski, R; Otto, S; Schubert, Kr; Schwierz, R; Spaan, B; Wilden, L; Bernard, D; Bonneaud, Gr; Brochard, F; Cohen Tanugi, J; Thiebaux, C; Vasileiadis, G; Verderi, M; Khan, A; Lavin, D; Muheim, F; Playfer, S; Swain, Je; Tinslay, J; Andreotti, M; Azzolini, V; Bettoni, D; Bozzi, C; Calabrese, R; Cibinetto, G; Luppi, E; Negrini, M; Piemontese, L; Sarti, A; Treadwell, E; Anulli, F; Baldini Ferroli, R; Calcaterra, A; de Sangro, R; Falciai, D; Finocchiaro, G; Patteri, P; Peruzzi, Im; Piccolo, M; Zallo, A; Buzzo, A; Contri, R; Crosetti, G; Lo Vetere, M; Macri, M; Monge, Mr; Passaggio, S; Pastore, Fc; Patrignani, C; Robutti, E; Santroni, A; Tosi, S; Bailey, S; Morii, M; Bhimji, W; Bowerman, Da; Dauncey, Pd; Egede, U; Eschrich, I; Gaillard, Jr; Morton, Gw; Nash, Ja; Sanders, P; Taylor, Gp; Grenier, Gj; Lee, Sj; Mallik, U; Cochran, J; Crawley, Hb; Lamsa, J; Meyer, Wt; Prell, S; Rosenberg, Ei; Yi, J; Davier, M; Grosdidier, G; Hocker, A; Laplace, S; Le Diberder, F; Lepeltier, V; Lutz, Am; Petersen, Tc; Plaszczynski, S; Schune, Mh; Tantot, L; Wormser, G; Brigljevic, V; Cheng, Ch; Lange, Dj; Wright, Dm; Bevan, Aj; Coleman, Jp; Fry, Jr; Gabathuler, E; Gamet, R; Kay, M; Parry, Rj; Payne, Dj; Sloane, Rj; Touramanis, C; Back, Jj; Harrison, Pf; Shorthouse, Hw; Strother, P; Vidal, Pb; Brown, Cl; Cowan, G; Flack, Rl; Flaecher, Hu; George, S; Green, Mg; Kurup, A; Marker, Ce; Mcmahon, Tr; Ricciardi, S; Salvatore, F; Vaitsas, G; Winter, Ma; Brown, D; Davis, Cl; Allison, J; Barlow, Rj; Forti, Ac; Hart, Pa; Jackson, F; Lafferty, Gd; Lyon, Aj; Weatherall, Jh; Williams, Jc; Farbin, A; Jawahery, A; Kovalskyi, D; Lae, Ck; Lillard, V; Roberts, Da; Blaylock, G; Dallapiccola, C; Flood, Kt; Hertzbach, Ss; Kofler, R; Koptchev, Vb; Moore, Tb; Saremi, S; Staengle, H; Willocq, S; Cowan, R; Sciolla, G; Taylor, F; Yamamoto, Rk; Mangeol, Djj; Milek, M; Patel, Pm; Lazzaro, A; Palombo, F; Bauer, Jm; Cremaldi, L; Eschenburg, V; Godang, R; Kroeger, R; Reidy, J; Sanders, Da; Summers, Dj; Zhao, Hw; Hast, C; Taras, P; Nicholson, H; Cartaro, C; Cavallo, N; De Nardo, G; Fabozzi, F; Gatto, C; Lista, L; Paolucci, P; Piccolo, D; Sciacca, C; Baak, Ma; Raven, G; Losecco, Jm; Gabriel, Ta; Brau, B; Pulliam, T; Wong, Qk; Brau, J; Frey, R; Potter, Ct; Sinev, Nb; Strom, D; Torrence, E; Colecchia, F; Dorigo, A; Galeazzi, F; Margoni, M; Morandin, M; Posocco, M; Rotondo, M; Simonetto, F; Stroili, R; Tiozzo, G; Voci, C; Benayoun, M; Briand, H; Chauveau, J; David, P; de la Vaissiere, C; Del Buono, L; Hamon, O; John, Mjj; Leruste, P; Ocariz, J; Pivk, M; Roos, L; Stark, J; T'Jampens, S; Therin, G; Manfredi, Pf; Re, V; Gladney, L; Guo, Qh; Panetta, J; Angelini, C; Batignani, G; Bettarini, S; Bondioli, M; Bucci, F; Calderini, G; Carpinelli, M; Forti, F; Giorgi, Ma; Lusiani, A; Marchiori, G; Martinez Vidal, F; Morganti, M; Neri, N; Paoloni, E; Rama, M; Rizzo, G; Sandrelli, F; Walsh, J; Haire, M; Judd, D; Paick, K; Wagoner, De; Danielson, N; Elmer, P; Lu, C; Miftakov, V; Olsen, J; Smith, Ajs; Tanaka, Ha; Varnes, Ew; Bellini, F; Cavoto, G; Faccini, R; Ferrarotto, F; Ferroni, F; Gaspero, M; Mazzoni, Ma; Morganti, S; Pierini, M; Piredda, G; Tehrani, Fs; Voena, C; Christ, S; Wagner, G; Waldi, R; Adye, T; De Groot, N; Franek, B; Geddes, Ni; Gopal, Gp; Olaiya, Eo; Xella, Sm; Aleksan, R; Emery, S; Gaidot, A; Ganzhur, Sf; Giraud, Pf; de Monchenault, Gh; Kozanecki, W; Langer, M; London, Gw; Mayer, B; Schott, G; Vasseur, G; Yeche, C; Zito, M; Purohit, Mv; Weidemann, Aw; Yumiceva, Fx; Aston, D; Bartoldus, R; Berger, N; Boyarski, Am; Buchmueller, Ol; Convery, Mr; Coupal, Dp; Dong, D; Dorfan, J; Dujmic, D; Dunwoodie, W; Field, Rc; Glanzman, T; Gowdy, Sj; Grauges Pous, E; Hadig, T; Halyo, V; Hryn'Ova, T; Innes, Wr; Jessop, Cp; Kelsey, Mh; Kim, P; Kocian, Ml; Langenegger, U; Leith, Dwgs; Luitz, S; Luth, V; Lynch, Hl; Marsiske, H; Menke, S; Messner, R; Muller, Dr; O'Grady, Cp; Ozcan, Ve; Perazzo, A; Perl, M; Petrak, S; Ratcliff, Bn; Robertson, Sh; Roodman, A; Salnikov, Aa; Schindler, Rh; Schwiening, J; Simi, G; Snyder, A; Soha, A; Stelzer, J; Su, D; Sullivan, Mk; Va'Vra, J; Wagner, Sr; Weaver, M; Weinstein, Ajr; Wisniewski, Wj; Wright, Dh; Young, Cc; Burchat, Pr; Edwards, Aj; Meyer, Ti; Roat, C; Ahmed, S; Alam, Ms; Ernst, Ja; Saleem, M; Wappler, Fr; Bugg, W; Krishnamurthy, M; Spanier, Sm; Eckmann, R; Kim, H; Ritchie, Jl; Schwitters, Rf; Izen, Jm; Kitayama, I; Lou, Xc; Ye, S; Bianchi, F; Bona, M; Gallo, F; Gamba, D; Borean, C; Bosisio, L; Della Ricca, G; Dittongo, S; Grancagnolo, S; Lanceri, L; Poropat, P; Vitale, L; Vuagnin, G; Panvini, Rs; Banerjee, S; Brown, Cm; Fortin, D; Jackson, Pd; Kowalewski, R; Roney, Jm; Band, Hr; Dasu, S; Datta, M; Eichenbaum, Am; Hu, H; Johnson, Jr; Kutter, Pe; Li, H; Liu, R; Di Lodovico, F; Mihalyi, A; Mohapatra, Ak; Pan, Y; Prepost, R; Sekula, Sj; von Wimmersperg Toeller, Jh; Wu, J; Wu, Sl; Yu, Z; Neal, H.; Pompili, Alexis
Polychlorinated biphenyls and other chlorinated organic contaminants in the tissues of Mediterranean loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta 1-gen-2007 Storelli, Maria Maddalena; Barone, Grazia; Marcotrigiano, G. O.
Depletion of mitochondrial DNA in the skeletal muscle of two cirrhotic patients with severe asthenia 1-gen-2002 Pesce, Vito; Cormio, Antonella; Marangi, L. C.; Guglielmi, F. W.; Lezza, Angela Maria Serena; Francavilla, A.; Cantatore, Palmiro; Gadaleta, M.
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The ecology of Cucumber mosaic virus and sustainable agriculture 1-gen-2000 Gallitelli, Donato
Structural properties of (Mn1-xFex)Nb2 O6 columbites from X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy 1-gen-2005 Tarantino, S. C.; Zema, M.; Maglia, F.; Domeneghetti, M. C.; Carpenter, M. A.
p38 pathway targets SWI-SNF chromatin-remodeling complex to muscle-specific loci 1-gen-2004 Simone, Cristiano; Forcales, Sv; Hill, Da; Imbalzano, An; Latella, L; Puri, Pl
Synthesis and characterization of enviroment-sensitive fluorescent ligands for human 5-HT1a receptor with 1.arylpiperazine structure 1-gen-2009 Lacivita, Enza; Leopoldo, Marcello; Masotti, Ac; Inglese, C; Berardi, Francesco; Perrone, Roberto; Ganguly, S; Jafurulla, M; Chattopadhay,
8-Substituted- 9-deazaxanthines as adenosine receptor ligands: design, synthesis and structure-affinity relationships at A2B 1-gen-2004 Carotti, Angelo; Stefanachi, Angela; Ravina, E; Sotelo, E; Loza, Mi; Cadavid, Mi; Centeno, Nb; Nicolotti, Orazio
Dissociating the Effects of Sternberg Working Memory Demands in Prefrontal Cortex 1-gen-2007 Altamura, M; Elvevg, B; Bertolino, Alessandro; Callicott, J. H.; Weinberger, D. R.; Mattay, V. S.; Goldberg, T. E.; Blasi, Giuseppe
Risultati 17981 - 17990 di 19218 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.065 secondi).
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  • 1 Contributo su Rivista 19218
  • 1 Contributo su Rivista::1.1 Arti... 19218
  • PALANO, Antimo 429
  • RIBATTI, Domenico 337
  • LANCIONI, Giulio 248
  • VACCA, Angelo 203
  • MARTELLA, Vito 182
  • OTRANTO, Domenico 179
  • BUONAVOGLIA, Canio 175
  • NICO, Beatrice 157
Data di pubblicazione
  • 2009 2384
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