Active offer of Tdap vaccination in a cohort of healthcare workers of Maternal and Neonatal Department: Data from a large hospital in Southern Italy
2024-01-01 Di Lorenzo, A; Capodiferro, L; Illuzzi, M; Scaltrito, C; Vimercati, L; Moscara, L; Tafuri, S; Stefanizzi, P
Are we saying it right? Communication strategies for fighting vaccine hesitancy
2024-01-01 Di Lorenzo, A; Stefanizzi, P; Tafuri, S
Could mandatory vaccination increase coverage in health-care Workers? The experience of Bari Policlinico General Hospital
2021-01-01 Di Lorenzo, A.; Tafuri, S.; Martinelli, A.; Diella, G.; Vimercati, L.; Stefanizzi, P.
COVID-19 Vaccine Knowledge, Attitude, Acceptance and Hesitancy among Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Systematic Review of Hospital-Based Studies
2024-01-01 Gianfredi, V; Berti, A; Stefanizzi, P; D'Amico, M; De Lorenzo, V; Moscara, L; Di Lorenzo, A; Venerito, V; Castaldi, S
Increasing vaccination coverage among healthcare workers: Active call and mandatory laws. Data from a large general hospital in Southern Italy
2024-01-01 Stefanizzi, P; Di Lorenzo, A; Capodiferro, L; Moscara, L; Noviello, C; Vimercati, L; De Maria, L; Tafuri, S
Prevalence and management of rubella susceptibility in healthcare workers in Italy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2022-01-01 Bianchi, Fp; Stefanizzi, P; Diella, G; Martinelli, A; Di Lorenzo, A; Gallone, Ms; Tafuri, S
Real-Life Safety Profile of the 9-Valent HPV Vaccine Based on Data from the Puglia Region of Southern Italy
2022-01-01 DI LORENZO, Antonio; Berardi, Paola; Martinelli, Andrea; Bianchi, FRANCESCO PAOLO; Tafuri, Silvio; Stefanizzi, Pasquale
Safety profile of MenB-FHBp vaccine among adolescents: data from surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization in Puglia (Italy), 2018–2020
2022-01-01 Stefanizzi, P.; Bianchi, F. P.; Martinelli, A.; Di Lorenzo, A.; De Petro, P.; Graziano, G.; Lattanzio, S.; Diella, G.; Stella, P.; Ancona, D.; Tafuri, S.
Safety profile of recombinant adjuvanted anti-herpes zoster vaccine (RZV) in high-risk groups: Data from active surveillance program. Puglia (Italy), 2021-23
2024-01-01 Stefanizzi, P; Moscara, L; Palmieri, C; Martinelli, A; Di Lorenzo, A; Venerito, V; Germinario, Ca; Tafuri, S
Safety profile of recommended vaccinations in adolescents: Data from surveillance of adverse events following immunization in puglia (Italy), 2016–2020
2021-01-01 Di Lorenzo, A.; Bianchi, F. P.; Martinelli, A.; Lattanzio, S.; Carbonara, A.; Diella, G.; Tafuri, S.; Stefanizzi, P.